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The cold morning air hit Tommy's face as he walked outside, shovel in hand he started walking towards the unexplored forrest near his house, well... not his house, it Wilburs house but that's unimportant.

Him and Tubbo were staying at Wiburs house for a few months because their last house got raided by a bunch of pillagers, what a bunch of dicks.

sighing, he started walking deeper in hopes to find something cool, like a cave with thousands of diamonds, or a zombie with enchanted netherite armour so he could kill it and get the armour for himself.

Tommy stoped in his tracks when he heated a faint squeak, he looked around and there was nothing there, "what the fuck.." said Tommy, shuffling could be heard next to the tree that was in front of him, he walked to wards it slowly, taking out his sword being prepared to attack in case it was a creeper or something.

he slowly looked behind the tree and looked down

Tommy falls backwards as a small creature, about three inches tall started moving towards him with a fork in its hand, it was fully white with a creepy face that looked like it was staring into its souls even though the eyes were closed.

The creature climbed on top of Tommy and started walking? towards its face Tommy held his breath as the creature held the fork above its head like it was about to stab him, looking away, Tommy closed his eyes expecting to lose his life to a small sock puppet looking thing that was armed with a fork that was bigger than its body.

Tommy opened his eyes again as he felt the fork softly poke him in the cheek, he looked towards it and noticed the creature looking at him with a look that said *You're pathetic*.

"Uhh, hello?" Tommy said awkwardly as he sat up slowly, making sure to hold the thing in his hands so it didn't fall off and hurts itself, it looked back at him and let out a small caw, kinda like a bird. "Holy fuck..."


Tubbo came down the stairs to see what all the noice was about, he looked at Tommy, then at the thing on his head, then at Tommy again, then back at the thing on his head.

Tubbo was silent, having a mini starring contest with the blob thing, "Tommy? what is that" Tubbo said slowly, Tommy smirked as he took the small white creature off his head.

"Dearest Tubbo, my right hand man, my bestest friend in the whole world, this, is our new pet." He said smiling.

But oh, the creature didn't like being called a pet, not at all. Quickly brining the fork above its head again, it quickly stabbed Tommy's palm causing him to drop it on its head with a scream.

Tubbo started screaming because of the situation while Tommy was screaming because of the fork in his hand, the three inch blob started wiggling around on the floor.

A door burst open showing Wilbur he looked around the room and saw the two boys screaming on the floor and a sock puppet looking thing wiggling on the floor like a worm.

Wilbur quickly ran to Tommy when he saw the fork in his hand, blood slowly coming out and staining his jeans and the carpet, Wilbur acted fast and yanked the fork out and threw it somewhere else in the room, he then went to the bathroom and came back with a some bandages and wrapped it around his hand tightly to stop the bleeding.

he looked back at Tubbo who was looking at the white worm puppet on the floor still wiggling and shaking, Tommy got over the pain fast and looked at where the other two were looking seeing the creature he found early that morning shaking on the floor.

He got up quickly, and walked towards the Blob and held it gently, he turned it around and saw a stream of wet tears falling from its eyes, it's head starting to bruise where he dropped it and it's smile that is now a frown.
(picture above, i can't draw stfu)

"what the fuck.." Tommy heard Wilbur say behind him, he looks back at Wil, Tubbo still silent.


Meanwhile... somewhere else..


The Blobs {Blob Dream and Drista AU}Where stories live. Discover now