Chapter 6

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When they reached the bedroom, he remembered the struggle with the shirt, and quickly got rid of that unnessesary piece of clothing, walking from the door towards the bed, sitting down beside her on the foot end, giving her one last second to change her mind.

She surprised him when she got up, standing infront of him. Looking at him, she took her time undoing the buttons of her jeans and sliding it off, signalizing him this was HER taking the lead and doing what SHE wanted. Being left only in bra and panties, she allowed him to take her in in all her glory, before she stepped closer to him, letting him slide his hands over her, exploring what was now his.

All he could say in his lust was "Wow, I am ONE LUCKY GUY. If it wasn't for my 54 year old self, I would think we travelled back in time."

With a longing look she said "cut yourself some slack, I am sure I am going be fine."

She gripped the hem of his t-shirt, pulling it over his head, before kissing his neck and forming a trail down to his bare chest, moving her hands down to his belt, and kissing his lips again while unbuttoning his jeans and discarding them on the floor.

Still kissing each other, they crawled up on the bed until their heads reached the pillows. While he shifted to lie down comfortably, she sat up again, making sure she had his full attention before reaching to her back, unhooking her bra and throwing it off the bed. He reached up using both hands to stroke the newly exposed part of her body.

With a moan, she sank down next to him, right into another passionate kiss, now using her hands and lips to explore the exposed skin of his upper body before sliding one hand below the rim of his boxers to stroke him, sending sensations through his body that felt entirely new to him.

She continued to do so for about a minute, before he stopped her hand, looking at her.

"I feel obligated to warn you: if you continue with that, there will not be much fun left for you to have and I can for sure tell you there are no juice boxes involved this time."

She had to laugh hard at this remark, falling onto her back and allowing him to take the lead from now on.

He took the hint, moving half on top of her half beside her, leaving a trail of wet kisses down her chest and stomach, now it was his turn to hook a finger behind the waist band of her panties.

It took one last look for reassurance and a short nod for that unnessesary piece of black lace to make its way to the floor.

Without touching her, he moved his mouth back up to her neck, gently kissing her before moving his hand from her knew up her thigh, over to the center, gently stroking her.

Moans began to escape her mouth, and he felt she was more than ready by now. He questioningly looked at her. She immediately got the hint and nodded her head in the direction of the nightstand nearby. "Top drawer" she whispered. He reached over her, rummaging through tidbids, before finding a familiarly shaped carton box. Taking out what he was searching for he was surprised about his own coolness when it only took a few swift movements to discard his underwear, rip the packaging open and put the condom where it was needed.

He repositioned himself between her legs, looked at her one last time, receiving one last reassuring nod from her before kissing her and taking his sweet time to bury himself inside of her for the first time.

The following act was short and rewarding for both of them, given the long wait they had and the sensation of exploring this territory together.


They both sank into the pillows afterwards, facing each other and looking each other in the eyes.

Cupping her face with his hands, he said

"I love you"

She put her hand to his neck to pull him closer.

Resting her forhead against his, she replied "I love you, too."

With another sweet kiss, they sank into a happy sleep, holding each other close.

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