♡Dancing with your enemy till you slowly fall in love♡

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(This chapter is in the comments in the youtube video I linked up there too! )

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹Your POV ◃ ۪۪۫۫༄ؘ ˑ

I enter the ballroom after my father has declared that the night has started and the guests now can enjoy the rest of the night. My dress was flowing while I quickly went to my seat next to my father's. The dress was red with gold ornaments. It was made out of silk and other materials, or should I say "other best material you could ask for". Anyways I sat down and listened to the conversation that my father had with someone I couldn't recognize. I looked at that person better and then realized it was the enemy of our country and land disguised as another guest. They finished their conversation.

-" Y/n, my dear daughter. " My father looked at me and softly smiled.

-" Yes, father? " I tilt my head.

-" Could you have a dance with this fine gentleman? " Father turns his gaze towards the man disguised as a guest. I put on a fake smile and say:

-" Sure thing, father. "

The man takes my hand and shoots an evil smirk. We step into the main dancing room and then he puts his hand on my waist and I put my hand on his shoulder. We start waltzing to a Russian waltz. We spin and dance, everyone kept glancing at us.

-" I must say, You look very eye-catching tonight. " He comments.

-" Oh please, drop the act. " I look at him with a glare.

-" So you know, alright then. " He huffs and then smiles evilly.

-" Who wouldn't? With your terrible disguise, probably everyone knows your the enemy here. " I roll my eyes.

-" Well my name is Cedric. I'm guessing it's Y/n?" He spins you around.

-" Who else could I be? A maid? "

-" Probably.. " Cedric laughs.

I gasp and look at him straight in the eye.

-" Says who? A homeless man looking enemy of the land "

I huff angrily while stepping on his shoe. He just laughs and pulls you close.

-" I guess you're stuck with the enemy tonight. " He says in a flirty tone and winks.

-" You know I can call the guards this instant, right? "

-" We don't need that, do we now? " Cedric looks into your eyes.

-" We will surely do. " I smirk and call the guards.

His smile fades and turns into a shocked expression. He picks me up in bridal style and starts running.

-" Let me go you dirty barbarian! " I scream as he tightens the grip.

Cedric runs through the halls with me in his grip. Suddenly he reaches the end of the hallway and stops. He sets me down and opens the window.

-" Run away with me. " He looks at me.

-" Excuse me? " I look at him with a shocked expression.

-" Run away with me, what do you say? We could rule my kingdom together! I mean you are beautiful and I'm good-looking myself " Cedric lends me his hand.

-" Wow that's a lot of confidence to have in yourself... " I mumble.

I mean.. I should really think about this right now. Wait- No! I shouldn't run away with the enemy! I start reaching his hand, but still, hesitate a bit when I hear the guards shouting.

-" Well, I'll surely come back, so you have time to think. Now I must go, princess. " He salutes and jumps out the window.

I hurry to the window to see him successfully running away from the guards. One of the guards hurries over to me.

-" Are you alright, your highness? "

-" Yes, I'm alright for now..." I sigh.

Authors end of the chapter note:

Thank you for reading this chapter <3 It was actually a random idea of writing this lol. I'm actually kind of proud of this! Anyways have a great morning / day / afternoon / evening :)

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