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Disclaimer: I don't own Willy's Wonderland. I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(Got bored. A oneshot of Liv and Eloise.)

(Hope you enjoy.)

Liv was an orphan.

Once she had a living family. Attentive, loving, caring to their only child. Sticking together.

Never apart.

Little Liv as everyone called her cooed and wanted to adopt the child. Offering Eloise money if she sold Liv to them or threatened to sue.

Eloise always said no.

She viewed Liv as something more.

Her child. Hers.

Hers. Hers. hers.

She belonged the woman who saved her. And in return, Liv agreed to stay at Eloise's home. Folks told the woman she was unfit to care for a child.

As the sheriff, she didn't give a damn.

Keeping the little girl to herself, Eloise reluctantly agreed to send Liv to school. With her job, she couldn't afford to leave the girl alone.

She trusted no one to look her child.

One day she gets the the school.

The kids are all coming out. Folks happy to see each other after hours apart. Eloise wishes she feels.

A little happiness bubbles as Liv steps out-

It fizzles down.

There's someone walking beside Liv. An adult who seemed a bit too interested in her little girl.

...Eloise's hand went in her gun.

Luckily the man walked away.

The snide grin terrified Eloise.


It's two weeks.

Liv adjusts nicely. Taking one of two rooms inside her little trailer. It's not the best place but it's good.

Only two people need to live here.

Eloise doesn't have plans for anyone else.


She quickly smiled down at Liv. The little girl beams happy at the attention. She's wearing a causal blue shorts and shorts and black shoes.

Eloise afford what she could.

It's better than nothing. Liv has clothes, food, etc.

She's not neglected in the slightest.

Others who try to accuse Eloise have another thing coming. She's made sure Liv is comfortable.

"No, sweetie. It's Eloise."

Still honouring the parents wishes of having Liv remember them. She isn't a child stealer. Liv is adopted, she's not going to lie.

It's better to be honest than have it blow in your face.

Eloise isn't a bad parent.

She picks Liv up and placed her on her lap. They stay watching TV together. Like a little family.


Eloise isn't bad. She's flawed.

...There's a difference.


Eloise stood in front of Willy and the gang.

They took mercy on Liv. She wanted to know why.

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