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The next day, Ash woke up to a nightmare once again. But this time, it wasn't about that day, rather it was about him and Serena becoming like they were when he first came to the academy. She was constantly calling him a loser along with all the other people. Even Clemont was with them, but he wasn't saying anything.

He got out of bed and saw that Pikachu was still asleep, did his daily routine and went down to make breakfast. 

Ash: 'This is just like the nightmare I got before the incident with mom. Is it some kind of vision?' he thought while eating his sandwich, but shook it off and called all his pokemon in their pokeballs, then left for school.

It was still quite early, so there weren't many people present. Ash decided to go to the big oak tree in the school ground and relax under it. This tree reminded him of the tree where he first met Serena.

He was sitting peacefully until he heard some shouting and laughing. At first, he ignored it, but it kept bothering him. So he got up and walked to where the sounds were coming from. 

Getting closer, he could hear sobbing sounds as well as some annoying bully type of voices. He quickened his pace and reached the rear of the school where he saw four boys older than him, bullying a familiar girl with blue hair, who was on the ground sobbing and had hand marks on her cheeks like she was slapped.

The bullies then stepped away from her and the one in the middle, who Ash thought was the leader, threw a Pokeball. Out came a decent looking Raichu.

Bully 1: "Raichu use thunderbolt on that piece of trash!" he exclaimed.

Ash's eyes widened hearing the command and he quickly sprinted towards the girl, who had closed her eyes, picked her up and jumped out of the way of the electric type attack, barely dodging it.

The bullies were shocked while Ash breathed a sigh of relief. The girl opened her eyes and saw the school 'loser' holding her and saved her from the attack. She was shocked because he never fought back. She was even more shocked when he put her down, turned to the bullies and yelled in an enraged tone.

Ash: "What do you think you are doing?!" he yelled angrily glaring at them, shocking everyone because he was always calm and making the bullies take a step back.

Ash: "What do you think you are doing?!" he yelled angrily glaring at them, shocking everyone because he was always calm and making the bullies take a step back

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Alex (HEAD BULLY): " Look! A loser came to save another loser!" he said mockingly, after coming out of the shock, all the bullies laughed at this.

Alex: "You're no match for me, loser! So go away and you won't get hurt!" Ash didn't move a muscle and instead started walking towards them slowly, constantly glaring.

Alex: "Raichu! Teach this loser a lesson! Use thunder!" but before his pokemon could fire the move, Ash's Pikachu used extreme speed and knocked it into a tree, rendering it unable to battle.

Everyone looked on in shock, the school's loser is fighting the senior bullies for someone else and just defeated one of the strongest trainers in the school's pokemon in one hit. By the time Alex looked away from the tree and towards Ash, he was already standing in front of the older boy.

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