02 : 𝖢𝗈𝗆𝗆𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝖢𝗁𝗈𝗂

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Commander Choi's presence prodded the drowsy soldiers awake. They hastily straightened up, mouthed a firm "sir", and held a tight salute.

Ah, yes.

Command Sergeant Major Yeonjun Choi. Better yet known widely as Commander Choi, was a well-reputable, tough, and stern type of guy. He was strict. Consideration was never in his vocabulary as he strongly believed in discipline. He was perfectly toned, sharp eyes ever so intimidating along with his fine jawline. His plump lips have not smiled once, regardless of how good his troops' jokes were.

They were all situated in Galyette, a few miles off coast where there was a rice field they can use to set a base. Commander Choi was dubbed to be their leader, having to instruct and look after his colleagues. This morning, he had just woken up. He was having a bad day- he's always had been. Stepping out of his tent, the first thing he did was to strike terror among his men.

"You, Private Con." He took out his handgun and aimed it to a soldier's chin. "Has no one ever told you to keep a proper stance?"

"Sir." Private Con nervously croaked and fixed his posture.

"We're in the middle of a fucking crisis." Commander Choi spat. "The least I'd expect you to act like would be a bunch of lousy, incompetent, and foolish scoundrels!"

His battalion gulped at his early rage. A few soldiers who were snacking on top of the tanks even lowered their coffees to eavesdrop. Commander Choi wore his sunglasses- the only time he'd do so would be when he's upset; he hated seeing their faces under the red light so dimming the environment was a good option.

"Run the routine. Move!"

They gave one last salute before breaking off into a quick daily workout- merely a couple of jogging around the block, push-ups, and crunches, just to keep the blood pumping and their systems awake. Commander Choi smirked and approached a fellow.

"Sergeant Kang." He called.

A young man who was enjoying his hot chocolate turned to him. He shook the commander's hand, feeling the elder's hard slap on his back, making him choke.

"How did the patrol go last night? Fair?"

"All clear, commander." Sergeant Kang nodded. "But we received a call from Montverde. A small town's been raided by Nordame yesterday noon."

"I've heard about it." Commander Choi tiredly scratched his temple. "Goddamn slicks they are. We're yet to send more troops to rove that area."

"Why so tense, sir?" Sergeant Kang chuckled. "As a Command Sergeant Major, you're supposed to be collected and enthusiastic."

"You'll only catch me so when the crow turns white, kid."

Commander Choi held his hips. He watched over his men on duty. Sometimes, he'd feel proud, sometimes he wouldn't. It depends on their performance, especially when they've already shed a hundred lives on the first day of seige. Sergeant Kang offered him a fresh mug of coffee but Commander Choi held up a palm to decline.

𝖢𝗈𝗆𝗆𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝖢𝗁𝗈𝗂 | 𝖢𝗁𝗈𝗂 𝖸𝖾𝗈𝗇𝗃𝗎𝗇Where stories live. Discover now