🍊Ship Nine🍊Chye

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For ship nine we got one of the most popular ships within Paw Patrol.

ChasexSkye, also called Skase—not to be confused with SkylarxChase from Lab Rats Elite Force which is also called Skase, Chye, Chaskye, ect.

It's most popular name is Skase, but since there's more than one Skase ship I'll refer to it as Chye.

Chye is one of those ships that came from early season one, where Chase—who ignites most of these moments—shows his concern and care for Skye, the aviator pup of the group.

The two have had many moments together, and are overall interesting to watch.

It's interesting to see a new side of Chase, this dog who pretends to be strong and commanding, as he shows: concern, care, and comfort to skye throughout the whole of paw patrol. At least during the first couple of seasons. After that we only see serious Chase, but anyways yeah.

Onto the photos

Photos of Chye:

Photos of Chye:

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I was actually wanting to use the moment from Pups Save Puplantis, but I can't find it

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I was actually wanting to use the moment from Pups Save Puplantis, but I can't find it. The one where Skye feels sad because Chase wanted to be a chance to be a merpup, but he stays behind to watch over the sea patroller.

Rip. Maybe I'll find it and add it in someday. It's just my favorite Chye moment.

Anyways nothing to be done about it now. I'm too lazy to continue looking through a million chye photos that have nothing to do with the episode.

UP NEXT: 🍊Ship Ten🍊 Skarshall

Anyways, if you know how to find that moment...or how to exceed my patience for looking for that Chye moment, let me know.

Also if you have any other ships to request go ahead. Lol

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