Y/l/n family

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Y/n and Nicky were sitting on the couch watching a cooking show.

"Ugh no he's cutting the meat wrong"

"Yea and look now Laya is cooking the meat wrong."
The doorbell rung and dawn and dicky come running downstairs. "I'll get it"

"No I will."

Dawn opened the door and it was some boy who was around the age 13-14.

"Oh its not my package." Dicky said.

"But it may be for me."

"Dawn! That's weird." Y/n turned around to look at the door and the boy started talking.

"Can I come in"


Anne and Tom came downstairs.

"Who's this?"

"I dont know."

"Oh uh hey I'm Christopher y/l/n"

"Hello Christopher come in." Anne invited him in and he came in.

"Have a seat."

Chris sat on the small couch. "Oh cooking shows I love to cook."

Nicky and Y/n looked over at Chris and said at the same time. "Really?"

Tom cut in. "Sorry to interrupt but why exactly are you here?"

"Oh right. I came for y/n."

"We don't even know who you are."

"It's ok this is Chris my brother."

"I need to take you home. Mom and dad are about to come home and you should be there."

"Oh ok."

Y/n stands up. "I guess I'll see you guys at school." She smiled slightly.

"I can't believe this is y/n's brother!" Dawn walked over to him. "So how old are you?"

Anne put her hand on dawns shoulder and pulls her back. "Too old for you.". Dawn rolled her eyes.

"Do you really have to go?" Nicky asked. "We were in the middle of the show."

Ricky came downstairs and screamed. "There's a boy in our living room!"

"This is my brother. Ricky this is Chris and Chris this is Ricky." They waved at each other.

"I'll see you guys later. Bye!" Then they left.


"So when is mom and dad getting here?" Y/n asked.

"In five minutes. Come on let's wait outside for them." Chris told her.

They went outside and sat down on the steps.

"I can't wait for them to get home! I haven't seen them in a month." Y/n said.

"Yea I know. Me too" Chris agreed.

A couple of minutes later a car pulled up. Then their parents came out. Y/n ran up to them and gave them both a hug. Chris also gave them a hug.

"I've missed you guys so much!" Y/n said.

"And we've missed you so much too pretty princess." Her dad, Matthew said.

"We've also missed you too Chris." Isabel, the mom, said.

"Come on let's go inside." They all went inside.

"So how's life been.?"

"It's been nice. I got to hang out with my friends a lot."

"Yea me too." Y/n agreed with Chris.

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