The Secret

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Y/n got home from school and walked into her living room. She put her backpack down and sat down. She got her homework out for math and took it out.

"Hey, kiddo. Need any help?" Her mom Isabel came down and asked.

"No, I'm good. Thanks, mom." Y/n replied and continued working on her homework.

Then she got a text from Ricky.

Ricky: Ricky 🤓
Y/n: Y/n

Ricky 🤓: Hey y/n can you come over? Dawn isn't very happy with us at the moment.

Me: what happened now?

Ricky 🤓: Well you see. We've been lying to her about Goldie and she found out.

Me: what do you mean?

Ricky 🤓: the original Goldie died and we knew so now Dawn knows and she's upset.

Me: ok I'll be right there.

Y/n put her homework away in her backpack. "Hey, mom. Can I go over to the Harper's house?" She asked.

"Have you finished your homework?" Isabel asked.

Y/n lied and said yes. Her mom told her she could go but she went upstairs and brought her backpack with her.

When she got upstairs she took out her homework and put on a jacket. She hid the homework under her jacket and went back downstairs.

"Bye, mom! Love you."

"Love you too."

Then she left.

Y/n got to the Harper's house and knocked. Dicky answered.

"Oh good. Y/n's here. Come in." He said.

"Yea. So where is she?" Y/n asked.

"Upstairs in her room," Nicky said.

She went upstairs and knocked on Dawn's door. "Hey dawn it's y/n can I come in?" She asked.

She didn't hear a response but dawn opened the door and brought y/n in, then closed it again.

"I heard what they did. That was a messed up thing for them to do."

"I know right! I can't believe they would keep a secret from me." Dawn replied.

"If it makes you feel better I didn't know either," Y/n told her.


"But now I have to do homework. Wanna help?" Y/n asked.

"Nah I'm good," Dawn said.

Y/n just took out her homework and worked on it.


Y/n was sitting next to dawn who was reading a magazine. Then the boys came in laughing.

"What are you chuckleheads laughing about now?" Dawn asked.

"Chuckleheads." Y/n giggled to herself.

"Let me guess. It's a secret and you can't tell me." Dawn said while closing her magazine.

"Oh no, it's not a secret," Ricky said while they were still laughing. "We were just laughing about how you didn't know about all the replacements of Goldies!" All of them just kept laughing.

"I guess you had to be there..." Dicky started.

"And not be you." Nicky ended.

"You guys are so messed up. Why don't you put yourselves in Dawn's shoes and see how she feels." Y/n tells them.

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