7: Windblume Treasure

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AN: hey guys, finally a decent break from hell. How did you guys liked the last one? Kind of bland ain't it. Anyways continuation of the festivities. From here on some chapters may seems off course to the Genshin Story lining due to 1. genshin ain't done so imma just imagine. Hope you like this one:3

The Windblume Festival is about to reach its end. Some of the citizens in Mondstadt started to pack up. Awhile back Razor had left the both of you due to unusual event he said he felt something off down in the forest. He excused himself since then it had been quite some time that you and Bennett were alone. You had such a fun time with Bennett with all the games. You had a blast playing with blinding games and the shooting games. You never knew Bennett could play the lyre so beautifully. You liked hearing him play songs for you. You asked him countless of times to play the lyre, he would be all shy but in the end he still complies to your wish but in one condition that he is allowed to ask a serious question without you making it as a joke. "that's oddly specific request Benny?" You jest "well I'll only play songs for you if you agree to my terms" you nod as you handed him your hand to shake to seal the agreement. After shaking on it he then grab the same hand you used and he took you somewhere "where we going Bennett?" He only smiled as he continued to yank you to follow him.

During the walk to god only knows where, he never let go of your hand. As you walk the path, you accidentally bumped into someone. They were quiet, they didn't otter a word when you clashed shoulders. Her hair was blonde and sorta reminded you of someone. You thought nothing of it nor did Bennett seemed to cared much, you and Bennett said your apologies and continued on. You continued your way as your hands had already locked in place becoming comfortable with eachother. This is what couples do when they walk. You see this around Mondstadt where couples just stroll in the plaza. You were always hoping to have someone to hold just like that. And now you're having your own moment and with guy you liked. Your heart is beating so fast as the blood raise to your cheeks. You try to calm yourself by keeping your breathing steady. You fear that Bennett will notice you bashful state.

The walk seem it lasted for hours though you didn't mind it instead hope it will stay forever. But all good things will reach its end as Bennett finally let go of your hand. "we're here!" He happily announced. You guys reached the end of cape oath. You gaze to the wonderful horizon as you witness the setting sun. The ocean reflected the sun's rays so beautifully. You loved how the ocean breeze just hits your skin, it was a refreshing sensation. You faced Bennett with a smile "thanks for taking me here" he smiled and took out his lyre. He then proceeded to play a song it was (fav Mondstadt song). You were amaze in how he played. You weren't expecting him to play this song for you. It was one of your favourite song here in Mondstadt. Did he learnt it before? or just recently? So many questions little answers given.

You listen for hours silently enjoying the music. As the last note drops the music has ended. You clapped your hands giving him a standing ovation. He was pleased and happy, he gave you his thanks. "That was beautiful Bennett" you complimented he smiles. "now can I ask you that question now?" You complete forgotten the agreement while listening to him play. "Sure Bennett, what is it?" You look at him straight in the eye. He was taking a good awhile to ask that to be frank you're getting impatient. You called him again but softly "Bennett is there something wrong?" He inhaled and finally spoke "do you want to join my adventure team?" He asked sheepishly.

Bennett's Pov

"Do you want to join my adventure team?" I asked nervously. She looked at me as if I asked her something unworldly. Did I ask so soon? I feel so embarrassed "You can think about it" I jest "you don't need to rush about the answer" a nervous laugh escaped my lips 'nice recover Bennett' I mentally face palmed my face. I closed my eyes to refrain seeing her disappointed face. As I rethink my moves I heard a sweetest laugh. "Oh Benny why so nervous? What's that the serious question you wanted to ask me?" She smiled, it was the most beautiful smiles I ever seen nor I'm saying any of her smiles wasn't breathtaking already. I nod as a response and she pondered for minute before speaking. "well in all honesty I'm already in an adventure group" I feel my heart shattered "I see" was all I could mutter out. "Then again I don't think Aether will mind if you joined us?" She added. Hope was present. "You really think I can go adventuring with the you and the honorary knight?!" I exclaimed. She nod her head happily as she assured me that he wouldn't mind. "we'll tell Aether about you joining, sound like a plan right?" I was happy with this idea but then there is little feeling in my heart I can't point out why.  I'm happy yet sad, like I'm not super sad just little but why. I'll be finally have a adventure team to be with and on top of that with Yn. No matter I'll figure that out once I'm there as long I'm with Yn nothing else matter. I rushed to give Yn a hug.


Bennett rushed to give you a hug. His arms is tightly around your body. You feel like your heart was about to explode but no matter you though you must take this opportunity to share such closeness. You wrapped your arms around Bennett as well. You hands as travelled to his hair as you embraced him close you. You felt Bennett reposition his head towards you neck as if he was kissing it, as his arms are more perfectly holding your body. You can say you and him where hugging for a very long time neither of you wanted to let go. Some minutes passed and the moon was already at its peak.

(an: you lasted that long w/o kissing each other, damn)

With a heavy heart you started to let go of him. He slow unclasped his arms from your body. He looked at your eyes as if begging why you stopped this wonderful moments. "Sorry Bennett but it's getting late don't you think" he sighed but agreed. He offered you to walk you home, you happily accepted it. You and him still doesn't know what is this feeling of warmth. And still confused of your statuses. Where you only just best friends or potential something more. You both needed time to figure it out. There wasn't any rush to it. You both reached the place you're staying in. You told him your good byes but before you when inside he gave you something "here Yn, a gift to remember this festival"

 You told him your good byes but before you when inside he gave you something "here Yn, a gift to remember this festival"

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He went behind you and placed the necklace around your neck. It was a windwheel aster necklace and it look like it was handmade. "I hope you like it, I made it myself" he said sincerely. "Thank you Bennett, I'll cherish it" you waved good bye and entered your home.

---------------------------------hours passed----------------------------------

You couldn't sleep nor stop thinking about earlier with Bennett. It was like a dream that you don't want to wake up from. You kept touching the necklace you gave you. It makes you feel all giddy and happy. On the side note who was the girl from earlier. The blonde girl you encounter. 'Was she someone you met but forgot' you thought. You know that stranger looked at you for awhile even after passing already. You saw here as if like in disbelief and shook but soon later disappeared to stoic face. If you ever met this person again you sure have to ask about your relations to her. But setting that aside you can't wait to tell Aether a new member of the adventure group. In thought in mind you fell asleep.

AN: next chapter will be dropping soon hopefully ♪┌|∵|┘♪  hope you liked it, drop down some comments for how could I improve it, please be gentle with me in critics (^3^♪. You guys excited for Inazuma? I can't wait heheh

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