Chapter Twenty

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I woke up the next day to the sound of quiet giggling, I looked to my side to see Skyler sitting up on her phone texting who I can only assume is Jayden. I rolled my eyes and got up to get ready for the day. Skyler looked up at me when she noticed that I moved.

"Oh, you're awake?" She noticed after I was now fully dressed.

"No thanks to you, what is he texting that is that funny?" I asked the smiling girl.

"Jayden is sending me meme's about dogs" She explained and I nodded. I left her in my room and went downstairs. I'll let them be their weird selves, honestly, they are such a strange pair. I arrived downstairs to be greeted by a kitchen filled with adults. Mom was making breakfast with the help of grandma while grandpa and uncle Cedric were talking about politics. I walked over to mom who was sitting and drinking her coffee.

"Morning mom, how did you sleep?" I asked her while sitting next to her.

"Morning sweetie, I slept fine. You're up quite early considering it's your break" Mom stated with a smile.

"Yeah, Skyler woke me up with her texting" I answered and mom frowned. I looked around the kitchen to see that mom was now serving the breakfast she was making previously. I grabbed a plate and went over to uncle Cedric and grandpa. They smiled when they noticed me.

"Is that my little Katiebear?" Grandpa stated while giving me a hug. I love when Grandpa is around, he reminds me of momma so much. I learned that momma got most of her personality traits from him.

"Hey grandpa, I've missed you so much," I told him while sitting next to him.

"I've missed you too, you need to come visit so we can go camping like we used too" He said causing me to smile. I love camping with him, we spent hours fishing and talking. I feel like I haven't talked to him since he moved to the lake.

"We need to schedule a trip. How about next summer?" I asked him, before he could answer the front door opened and in came, uncle Eric and uncle Kyle.

"Hey, party people, who's ready for the best thanksgiving ever?" Uncle Kyle stated while walking over to mom. I laughed even all these years later uncle Kyle is the same.

"Katie, sweety where is Skyler?" Uncle Eric asked me while bringing a pot towards the counter. I'm guessing that's the mashed potatoes with the three beans salad mom had asked them for.

"She's in my room, I'll go get her" I explained while standing up. He thanked me before I headed upstairs. I walked into my room to be stopped by the shocking sight in front of me. Skyler was on my bed taking naked pictures for which I assume are for Jayden.

"Skyler what the fuck are you doing?! The house is filled with relatives plus your fathers are here" I yelled at her while closing the door. She never closed it after I left. Skyler blushed.

"I'm sorry but Jayden missed me and wanted to see me" She explained. I rolled my eyes, Jayden can't even make it four days without seeing her naked, seriously?

"Whatever, you need to come down now, uncle Eric is looking for you" I explained. She quickly jumped off the bed and got dressed. I waited for her to finish so we can go back downstairs together. We left my room and headed down the stairs, uncle Eric walked over to Skyler while I went to sit in the living room with everyone. We ended up talking about family stories for the rest of the afternoon.

It was now much later in the day, mom and grandma were finishing up the big thanksgiving dinner that they have been cooking since this morning. I was helping them by setting up the table. Once the table was set up, I went over to tell everyone that dinner will be ready shortly. I went to sit with them, sitting beside my grandmother and grandfather. They arrived a little earlier bringing the pumpkin pie with them.

"So Katie your mothers tell me that you met a new girl, Harper was her name. How are things with her?" Grandma asked me. I smiled at the mention of Harper. I know it's only been a day but I miss her.

"Things are a little complicated right now. That reminds me, how did you know that you were in love with grandpa?" I asked her which caused her to smile.

"I met your grandfather back in my college years and it was like magic. We met when I dropped my textbooks and he reached down to help me. I looked into his eyes and just knew that this amazing man would one day be my husband" She explained while smiling. My grandfather smiled and kissed my grandmother, they are so cute!

"That's such a sweet story. Did you feel the same way grandpa?" I asked him and he smiled.

"I did, I knew when I met Audra that she was the perfect woman for me. I knew at that moment that I would marry her and now I've been the happiest man ever for the last forty-three years" He explained. I was shocked, how could he know so early and last this long? I've been friends with both Mason and Harper for longer and I even let Mason go for his true love. Is there something wrong with me? I smiled at my grandparents before getting up. Mom announced that dinner was ready and for everyone to wash their hands. We all sat down at the table, I was sitting next to Skyler and uncle Cedric. Mom was about to sit down when suddenly the doorbell rang. I was confused, isn't everyone already here? Mom walked over to the door and gasped before smiling. At the door stood two men and two women, one being significantly older. Who are these people?

Chapter twenty is done. This chapter is super long because originally it was going to be two different chapters but the way I ended it in a mystery was better than the boring ending of the first part. Who are at the door? What will happen next? Find out next time and I hope you enjoyed it.


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