The Gift

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(Your POV)

You woke up with Mangle, or Maddie curled up at you side, breathing softly into your chest. You carefully moved her and slipped quietly into the bathroom to take care of your mourning business. You crept back into your room and Mangle was sitting up, yawning and rubbing her eyes. "Hey sweetie, did you sleep well?" Mangle asked you with a smile. "Yeah, better than most nights actually. How about you?" You asked. "Great, you radiate a lot of warmth, so I was all cozy next to you." Mangle said, giggling. "Well, I'm glad. Hahaha!" You said grabbing your laptop and sitting down next to her. "You mind if I put on a movie?" She asked you. "No. Go for it. I have a ton on that shelf over there." You pointed out to her. "Okay, thank you." She said as she kissed your check and grabbed Y/F/M (Your Favorite Movie) and stuck it in the DVD player while you were checking online for a gift for her.

No, it wasn't her birthday or anything like that, you just wanted to show you love her instead of just telling her. You were searching for a good 30 minutes while Mangle was curled at you side, head on your lap watching the movie. Then you found it, the perfect gift anyone could ever get. "A-ha!" You said, shutting your laptop and standing up. Mangle looked up at where you were standing. "What?" She asked you. "Oh, um, nothing. Hey, I have to run into town to go and grab something, I shouldn't be gone long." You told her putting on clean clothes. "Oh, okay." She replied lying back down to finish watching her movie. You walked over to her and gave her a kiss before leaving for town

(Mangle's POV)

"Huh…wonder where he's going." I thought to myself as I stood up and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I turned the water on and got in and proceeded to wash my body. A half hour later, I heard Y/N enter in the room as I was washing soap out of my fur. "Oh, he's back!" I said as I quickly finished washing my hair. I turned the shower off and getting out to dry off. I wrapped my towel around me and got out of the bathroom and entered back into my room. To my surprise, N/N wasn't there. But what sat on the bed was a box, with my name written on it and a metallic bow on the top. I walked over and opened it. Inside, was a..... Whoa.

There was crystal heart about the size of a fist sitting at the bottom of the box, shining up at me. I picked it up and held it in my hands as a tear shed from my eye.

(Your POV)

You slowly and quietly crept behind her and hugged her from behind. "You like it?" You asked her with a. smile on your face. Mangle turned around and hugged you back tightly and shouted "YES! YES, Y/N! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!" She cried joyful tears and kissed your cheek, while you rubbed her back and closed your eyes. "I have a gift for you, too, N/N." Mangle told you, in somewhat of a sexy voice. You pulled back and looked at her. "Oh, you do now?" You asked with a smirk on your face. "Yeah, I do" She said looking back into your E/C eyes and kissed you.

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