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Official translation: Ancient Scriptures of the Original Three

File under: Troye

Details: Chants

Classification: CONFIDENTIAL

The following information may only be witnessed by God himself and selected arch angels standing on primary podiums.

Any infringement upon this will result in severe punishment e.g. Banishment.

 Entry One

I am writing this to you today because I daren’t speak it aloud. I was created and crafted by the most skill full of hands and my appreciation exceeds that of explanation. I adore my creator to the capacity that one may express love without fully devoting themselves. This is what I must not utter in speech. I am not fully devoted.

Some days I feel as though there is something more than just this place. Heaven. I have been content here for millennia but recently there seems to be a sensation that there is somewhere else I could be. The creator has not declared any such place to exist but Adelina nags at me constantly to ask him just once. One time, she says, for me Troye? I reject her each time, plucking a feather from her wing each time she bores into me. The truth is, I am afraid. So, so afraid. If somewhere exists and the creator has chosen to keep it from us, it must be somewhere we would like to go.

The creator insists on his love for us. We sing out in heavenly chorus constantly and with joyous admiration. Or at least we used to. As of recently, he has spent much time away from his throne. Away from us.

Entry Two

Oh, oh, oh have mercy. Have pity. Take refuge on me for I have sinned. Adelina has struck the lord with her words. ‘Why?’ She demands. ‘Why do you dare to pretend as if you care for us?’ Am I to presume that she will be gone now? She has been locked away but I have been called down. I must not falter in my honesty. I will do what I shall have to do though, to save Adelina. She will be freed.

Entry Three

I should not have lied. I am being sent to Earth. This is the place I have dreamed of for so long. In visions I have foreseen it is foul and inhabited by verminous creatures who have no concept of worship or praise. I do not want to go but I lied. I have lied to the creator. His disappointment is something that will haunt me eternally. ‘You will feel pain.’ This is what he told me. I do not know what pain is but I dread so deeply to find out.

Entry Four

Pain is the weight of humans’ sin lashed across your bare back as you stare into the face of your most beloved and see nothing but scorn. Mud encrusted and breathing out salvation you will suffer.


Diary entries excerpt from Troye, the first angel to exist. In sequel to the entries Troye was tortured. He was instantly placed into a sleep that was predicted to last until humanity had fallen so that when awoken he would wander the plains of earth godless and abandoned for all of time.

Due to the unpredictability of humanity a backup plan was necessary. When Troye awoke, he would have twelve hours of memories before his entire life would be wiped from his mind and his thoughts would be similar to that of a simple human. It was given to protect any life that may exist upon his uprising. Troyes body was then thrown to Earth and over time was buried by many ages passed.  It is the heavenly choruses hope that he will suffer eternally.

Signed: Amarius Wyall - Heavenly scribe



A/N- Leave any questions in the comments. This was a little different. I hope you guys followed what was going on. If not, like I said, just comment and I’ll help out!!! Just needed an interesting- hopefully not so rambling way to fill you in.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2015 ⏰

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