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Lovers to Enemies

╔═══════════════╗ ♥ Lovers to Enemies ♥╚═══════════════╝

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'Your smile is contagious'

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Amber is found sitting at her desk working on her college homework. She has been procrastinating for the past 2 days so she has to work on something. She has already finished editing her video and posted it, so now she has to do something to occupy her time. Soft music playing in the background so it's not so quiet in the room.

Ethan is found laying on their bed scrolling through comments, liking and replying to different ones. Ethan and Amber decided to get a apartment together once they got enough money. Everyone was excited about it. It was just a peaceful day going on. Amber finally put her pencil down and took a deep breath calming her brain from all this work she's not gonna remember later.

Ethan looked up from his phone and notice Amber laying her head on the desk. He turned his phone off and put it down. "Babe?" He asks getting up to check on her.

"Homework sucks." She mumbles. Lifting her head up to see Ethan looking at her. "I'm ok, just annoyed about this homework that's not teaching me anything. I mean I had a choice to go to college or not and look at me now." She sits up in her chair and leans back crossing her arms. "I don't know if I am tired or hungry right now." Amber sighs and stands up walking out the door towards the kitchen.

It is a nice little 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment. It's nice for videos and just the two of them have space. They use the big master bedroom in the back for videos and the other bedroom for when they sleep and whatever. The 2 bathrooms was just a plus. Just the two of them so the apartment has space and is cozy to them.

Ethan walks behind Amber towards the kitchen. "I can warm up something if you want?" Ethan offers. He always make sure Amber is ok with something before doing it. But when it comes to cooking, he still asks, but if she says she's gonna cook, he cooks anyways.

Amber shakes her head. "I want leftover spaghetti." Amber hugs him from his torso and Ethan immediately hugs back from her shoulders. Amber sighs in content from the warmth she's getting. Ethan nods and kisses her head.

They separated and Ethan takes the bowl of spaghetti out of the fridge and puts some of it onto a plate and puts it into the microwave warming it up for a minute. Amber sits down at the table in the dining area with her head in her hands kinda tired from all the work she has been doing. After the food was warmed up, Ethan brought it to the table in front of Amber.

Amber looked at the food and picks at it in thought. Ethan gets up and warms him up some spaghetti and sits back down. Amber sighs and starts eating. Every time they eat Amber always rants about something. It doesn't matter what it is, she just talks. Ethan thinks it's cute how she moves her hands while she talks. By the time he's done eating she is halfway done with hers.

When Amber finishes her food she keeps talking because she is in the middle of a subject, Ethan isn't complaining. "I just think homework is useless. Like why do you need to know what I know. I don't remember literally anything you teach me! There's no point!" Amber exaggerates as she grabs her plate and wash it out in the sink.

She continues talking making her way towards their room with Ethan right behind her. "I think my favorite class is free period. You are supposed to study but nobody does that. Like you give a bunch of kids a free time to study they aren't gonna do it!" Amber walks into the room and lays in the middle of the bed in a star fish position on her back closing her eyes.

Ethan laughs a little at how overdramatic she's being. "Oh don't stress yourself." Ethan sits on the corner of the bed rubbing her feet.

"No!" Ambers eyes shoot open and she pulls her feet away from him. "Don't touch my feet you weirdo." She glared at him playfully and lays her feet back down closing her eyes again.

"Are you sure it's not because you are ticklish?" Ethan starts to tickle her sides and Amber bursts into laughter. "There's that smile." Ethan stops so Amber can breathe. She sits up breathing heavily trying to catch her breath. Ethan smiles. "I always say this but you need to stop stressing yourself out. It's just homework, nothing special just get it done."

Amber shoves him a bit smiling like a idiot. "You sound like a dad you weirdo stop." Amber gets up off the bed and back to her desk. She sits down and then turns back to Ethan and smiles, he smiles back. Amber turns back around and starts finishing the last bits of her homework. "You know I want to go somewhere." Amber puts down her pencil and gets up towards the closet opening the door sighing.

Ethan walks over to her confused. "Why?" He asks her as they get their shoes and jackets on.

"You said I am not supposed to stress myself out and walking getting fresh air helps." Amber answers grabbing her purse and phone about to walk out the door. She turns around and sees Ethan practically tumbling down the stairs trying to catch up to her fast pace.

"Yeah but where are we going? Why are we going?" Ethan opens the door for her and they start walking to nowhere.

"I already answered why, but I can just walk if I want too. People don't have reasons to walk around so it doesn't matter. I just want fresh air, you didn't have to come." Amber starts walking towards the gas station that's at the corner of the intersection.

Ethan thinks for a second as he goes on auto pilot following behind Amber towards the corner. He could have stayed inside but he didn't and there's no reason to that. He wants to have a answer for everything and anything. Right now he didn't have an answer which was frustrating him.

Amber just grabs a cup filling it up with sprite and looks back at Ethan. "Do you want anything?" She asks as she sees he is deep thought but doesn't question just wanting him to get out of his head.

Ethan blinks a couple times to focus himself and then process what his girlfriend said to him just now. "Oh- no I'll just have some of yours." Amber nods and pays for the drink and walks out the store with Ethan following like a lost puppy.

"You need to get out of your head. Everything is fine so calm yourself alright?" Amber pats his back and holds the straw towards his mouth encouraging him to drink it, he eventually does, and smiles at her. She smiles back.

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