Goodbye Dursleys!

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Harry and Albus appeared in a darkened room, Harry's eyes tightly shut in preparation for being apparated. It was still an uncomfortable experience. As he opened his eyes, he frowned. The room was familiar.

While the light was dim, he could clearly see the light blue couch in the center of the room. It was covered in a layer of cat hair, from over a dozen different cats. The legs and base of the couch were scratched to such a severe degree that there wasn't a single spot where one could not see unmarred wood or fabric. Harry knew this couch. He had sat on this couch for countless hours watching slide shows of cats in various "cute" poses. Pictures of the same cats that were constantly crawling over him during the shows.

Looking around, he saw the familiar second-hand coffee table, old-fashioned radio in the place where most people would have a television, and thread bare rugs covering the hard-wood floors. Every item covered in scratches and fur. The only thing missing was the normally overwhelming odor.

He looked up at Albus's serene face. "This is Mrs. Figg's house."

"Yes, it is. I wonder if she'll finally take me up on the offer for some magical assistance in keeping the house clean. I am happy to see that she read my note and kept her cats locked away today."

"How do you know Mrs. Figg?"

"I'll assume you aren't asking for the full history of our friendship, which is a pleasant and somewhat interesting story, and are primarily questioning the unbelievable coincidence of my friend being your neighbor. The answer is what you are likely suspecting. After I left you with the Dursleys, I bought this house and placed Arabella here to report on your health and happiness."

Harry's face contorted into a mixture of shock and outrage. "You knew how I was treated?"

Albus sighed. "Yes... yes I knew. As I said, I knew what sort of people your relatives were, and I crafted a law that would allow you to attend Hogwarts regardless of their decisions. Indeed, your placement is what finally spurred me into accepting the constant offers I received to take up a role in the Wizengamot and ICW."

Harry took a deep, cleansing breath. He wanted to scream. He wanted to punch Albus's crooked nose. And still... Albus could have apparated them to somewhere completely different. The man could have easily withheld the information, and Harry would have been none the wiser. Albus had been shockingly truthful and helpful since the previous evening. Harry took another deep breath and looked into Albus's eyes. All he could see was sorrow.

Harry sat on the uncomfortable couch, ignoring the cloud of dust and cat hair that puffed up from the fabric. He indicated to the other side of the couch, which Albus sat down upon.

"Please explain yourself."

Albus smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Harry. Perhaps it would be easier to first explain why you were placed with the Dursleys in the first place."

"I have often wondered why my parents would leave me with them."

"Well, rest assured, they were not your parents' choice. When you were first born, they updated their will to dictate who should be given custody of you in the event of both of their deaths. In order, they were Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and Remus Lupin."

Harry felt a tingle of familiarity, though he couldn't place the names. "Who are they, and why wasn't I put with one of them?"

"The short answer is that they were your father's best friends throughout their time at Hogwarts. And, once your mother started dating your father, they quickly became your mother's best friends. As for why you are not with them, Sirius is in prison, Peter is no longer among the living, and Remus is a werewolf."

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