Chapter 1:

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"Heeeeyyyyy Kate!"
"Heeeyyyyy guyssss!"
I attempted to walk into form cooly, but me being me, tripped over a chair and went flying onto the table... Laughter up roared from my friends. I attempted to jump up and pretend as if nothing happened, but that totally failed. My god, talk about embarrassing...
"Honestly Kate!" Said my best friend Gabby, "It's not even 8:30 and you've already fallen over!"
"Well done Kate, very well done." Followed Megan.
"She's always messing up!" Cried Sarah. The others started to chuckle at that comment.
"Alright alright guys, I know I'm soo amazing and funny, but please, let's drop it now." I said waving my arms around frantically.
"Ok Kate, if you seriously think that." Daisy said fighting through her laughter.
"Yes. Yes I do my dear friend Daisy." I replied deadly seriously.
Our morning jokes was interrupted as our form tutor stormed through the door. "Shut up! Get in your bloody spaces now!" His black, bushy eyebrows frowning and his murky brown eyes glaring at every single one of us (we all called it his death stare.)

I raced into my seat next to my mate Sean.
"Morning." He whispered
"Why, good morning too you Sean!" I announced loudly so that Mr. O'Connor could hear.
"KATE!" He screeched.
"Yes sir?" I answered grinning back.
"What!" He said loudly, "do you think you are doing?" He continued more softly.
"Well sir, I was greeting my friend, Sean Harrison, good morning." I replied smirkily. Giggles were heard around the room.
"Save it for outside." Mr O'Connor slumped into his seat, which was our cue to sit into ours.
Me and Sean started laughing as we sat down - we have been best friends since we started secondary school (and we are now in year 10.) He's so funny, honestly!
"Oh Kate, what a way to start Monday." Sean mumbled so sir couldn't hear him.
"Well you know me Sean, always want to make people smile." I gave him a wink.

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