Chapter 5:

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I walked out of school with the 'squad' (basically me, Gabby, Sarah, Megan and Daisy.) As soon as we stepped out of the gates surrounding our shitty school, I was asked a question by Megan:
"Where were you in science?"
"Yeah I noticed you weren't in." Followed Daisy.
"Oh sorry, I, I..." I didn't know if I should tell them what happened to me after lunch or not?
"Went sick bay." I answered bluntly, "had a pounding headache, and because we were doing a practical in science I kinda thought the noise would make it worse."
"Ah right ok cool!" Replied Megan and Daisy in almost unison.
'Wow, they actually believed it,' I thought feeling a bit dazed.

We walked down to the bus stop and sat down. There was a bit of awkward silence until Sarah starting tell us what happened to her in science which made us all piss ourselves! Basically, one of the 'popular' kids Jake thought it would be funny to set fire to Johnny's tie (a not so popular boy.) Of course it went up in flames and Miss Green raced around the classroom with the fire extinguishers screaming and shouting.
When Sarah's story ended our bus pulled up and we all piled on.

There was a voicemail left on the phone from mum. I played it as I put down my bags and grabbed a drink from the fridge.
'Hey Kate! Sorry forgot to mention I'm out this evening with friends! Please text when your at home - Nan is going to drop Austin at home with you. Dinner's in the oven, you know how to use it right? Don't count on dad being home tonight love.
Take care, love you both lots!'
The voicemail finished.

This wasn't too bad, to be honest. It meant I could have another 'Movie Night' with Austin; we had quite a few of these. What we would do is:
1)Austin chose a film.
2)We quickly whiz around to our local shop and grab several packets of sweets.
3)Race back to the house to get dinner out the oven.
4) And then finally chill out in the living room watching the film (which usual is a Disney film about cars or some sort of mechanical thing.)

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