Chapter 3 New Feelings?

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(Alana's POV)
It was four a.m. before I finally fell asleep that night. All I could think about was Cory. Why? That was Elizabeth's crush. I had no right what so ever to even have a pinch of feelings for him. I hated feeling like this. I couldn't control my feelings and I happened to be attracted to him. I couldn't tell Lizzy. She is my best friend. Or.......should I tell her? I don't know! I am so confused. As a good friend I would tell her. She has a right to know. But, I can't. She would hate me. Or would she understand? I DON'T KNOW! I finally fell asleep. I woke up feel so guilty. Like I had done something wrong. It's not like I was dating him, or making out with him, or having sex with him. I just had a crush. What should I do? I got dressed in my gray yoga pants, blue long sleeve salt life shirt, and a hoodie. I threw my hair up into a pony tail and headed off for school. I waited for Lizzy at the door as usual. There she was. Walking towards me with this huge smile on her face. How could I brake her heart? I finally decided to tell her. Lizzy. Can I talk to you about something. It's really important. "Of course. You can tell me anything. What's up?", well I don't know how to say this but I ummmm Ya know ummmm have a crush on ummmm CORY! I have a crush on Cory! There I said it! Oh no. I saw the tears in her eyes, and the redness in her face. She finally spoke "Thanks for telling me."! Ummmm I'm confused? You aren't mad at me? "A little bit, but I'm cool now. It's okay. We will figure something out. Now let's get to class.", she responded and we walked off.
(Lizzy's POV)
After Alana told me about her feelings for Cory, I decided not to be mad at her. We were on our way to Chorus when we walk past the water fountain. And there stood Cory, Aly, Taylor, and Kate. Why would he talk to them? I told him they were hoes. I controlled my actions and Cory walked up to Alana and I.
Cory:Hey Lizzy. Why did you say those three girls were hoes? They are acually pretty nice.
Elizabeth:Pretty nice? Pretty nice at getting screwed!
Alana: She is right, Cory. Don't get caught in there prettyness.
Cory:Um I'm sorry, but who are you?
Lizzy:This is Alana my best friend. Now, why were you talking to them?
Cory:My friend Jacobi introduced me to them. I thought I would give them a chance. Ya know, many they changed?
Lizzy:Ha. I doubt it. The only thing they change is their clothes everyday.
Cory:Why don't you just try to be nice to them?
Lizzy: I did try! For eight months. As you can probably tell. It didn't end well.
Cory:Well I rather be friends with you then them, baby.
Lizzy:Thanks boo.
Cory: I'll see you in Conaway's class.
Cory: And, nice to meet you, Alana.
Alana: You too!
Alana:Baby? Boo? Where did that come from?
Lizzy: I don't know. It just happened. It's probably just something black people say to white people.
Alana:Well, ok then.
Lizzy:Let's just get to class.
Alana:Okay, baby.
Lizzy:STOP IT! Why are guy even making fun of him? You like him too anyways.
Alana:I know. I'm sorry,boo.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2015 ⏰

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