9. Packing

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Kaia's pov

~two weeks later~

I have been at home for a almost a week. It seemed like I would never be here again because I was In the hospital for a week and a half. Dad almost made me stay a bit longer but I had to remind him about our trip to Germany. 

While I was at the hospital, Nat, Clint, Wanda, Thor, Bruce, and Sam visited me. Not all on the same day though. I think they planned it out to be on different days just so I wasn't bored all the time. 

I learned from Nat when she visited that my dad had bought off the entire wing to be empty, so it was just me. Only the nurses that were on my case and Kristin were allowed to be in the wing.

He also told Kristin that he would pay off the rest of her medical school expenses if she stayed quiet about me being his kid. She agreed.

We're leaving for Germany tomorrow. I'm so excited. I don't even know why we're going, but Nat, Rhodey, Vision, and the king of Wakanda, T'Challa have been spending a little more time in the meeting room lately. It must have to do with something for the avengers.

Today, I was just chilling in my room when I got a message from Esme. She was just wanting to know how I was doing. She's so sweet.

After talking to her a lot this past week, I found out that she actually goes to Midtown. I know I have said that I don't want to go back to school, but I think if Esme's there along with Flash, I'll be fine. I just don't really like the schoolwork. Its kind of easy.

Kristin approved me to be able to go onto the plane to Germany, because I should be at the point in the healing process where it will be fine. I know that I shouldn't doubt what a health professional says, but I just don't feel like I'm even close to fine yet. I know that healing takes time, but i'm so impatient. I think about how cool it would be to have some kind of power that would make it so I didn't have to feel pain, or even better, make my injuries heal faster. After getting lost in thought, I look at the clock, it reads 8:45 pm. I think that I should maybe finish packing. I think we're staying for like a week?

I walk around my room deciding what else I should bring. its almost February so it's probably cold over there like it is here. I packed some colder outfit essentials like jeans, sweats, and sweaters as well as shirts I can layer.

 I was about finished when I realized I needed to pack my pain meds too. I checked the clock and then the bottle.

 It was about time for another dose. I was told to only take one, maybe two if the pain gets too bad. 

I was okay for now, so I only took one. However, sometimes the pain comes out of nowhere and can be so overbearing that I need to take a second one...

I take the second one. Just in case. I knew I wasn't really supposed to take the second one now, since I've been taking them for a while, and I've been healing at a good rate. But the calming and no-pain effect I get from these really helps. and sometimes now the pain really does come out of nowhere. It's not like taking the second one will cause an addiction. 

As I close the bottle I look at the addiction warning sticker, before tossing it into my purse. Then I walk over to my bed and sit down. I knew I needed to eat something with my medicine, but I was just not hungry. I lay down and look up at the ceiling. 

"Kaia, someone is at the door, do you want to answer?" Ivy announced.

"Yeah go ahead and open the door Ivy." I said, my eyes never leaving the ceiling.

Nat walked in and stood at the foot of my bed.

"Hey Kaia, are you ready for tomorrow? You got all of the first aid supplies and all that other stuff packed up?" She said as she came and laid down next to me.

"What other stuff?" I turn over and lay on my side. I probably shouldn't, so I prop myself up with my elbow.

"Tony hasn't told you?" She looked at me with her eyebrow raised.

"Told me what? What are we going to do in Germany?" You looked at her waiting for her to answer.

"Well, don't tell your dad I told you because he must not want you to know, but the Avengers, all of us, we're going to fight. That's why we're going to Germany."

"You guys are going to fight? What could possibly drive you all to fight in another country?" I asked as my head started to spin with questions. 

Is this why all our "family dinners" had started to get awkward? Is that why I haven't seen a lot of Steve, Bucky and Wanda lately? Clint? Is that why Nat, T'challa, Rhodey and Vision had been coming over a lot more? and why I wasn't allowed to sit in these past few meetings? That should have been a dead giveaway that something wasn't right. How is it that the same group of people that teamed up to save Sokovia or even New York, couldn't stick together to defeat whatever it was this time? So many thoughts popped up in a matter of seconds it took for Natasha to answer.

"The Sokovia Accords" she finally answered. 

"Your dad wants to sign them, Steve doesn't. People have picked sides. It's spun out of control, but there really isn't anything I can do anymore. We just have to let it play out."

"What are the Sokovia Accords? Are they bad? Are they trying to dismantle the Avengers?" I ask. Thoughts still spilling out each second it takes for her to answer.

"No Kai, nothing like that, it's just a lot for you to wrap your head around since there's a lot you don't know about."

"Is that why Steve and everyone else stopped coming to the family dinners? Is Steve so mad at my dad that he didn't want to come to visit me in the hospital?" My eyes started to get teary.

"No, no, no, no, no, honey, he wasn't able to come to visit you in the hospital for some other reasons that I'm not sure of. I haven't talked to him a while. But I promise, it's not because he didn't want to see you." She said as she started to stroke my hair.

"You should get some sleep. You need to get up early in the morning after all." She said. 

"Alright" I said. I needed some time to think about the bomb of information that was just dropped on me. Theres so much I don't know, but I want to find out. All the thoughts in my head wouldn't stop. It was like I was thinking of every possible situation or scenario that could have caused this or how it will end up. 

I didn't even notice when Nat had left, because when I opened my eyes she was gone.

I got under my covers and fell asleep despite the amount of thoughts racing in my mind.

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