~•The Big News•~

153 3 7

~•Karma's POV•~

It's about time I get my hands on some strawberry milk, I've already been waiting for for ever for it. The sad part is that I have to go to class now. I would not go on normal days, but I've overheard there is an assembly today while I was sneaking in the staff room.

Why was I in there you ask? Well stealing Koro-Sensei's sweet treats of course~. That chocolate from Italy was very good to.

Anyways, getting back on subject, I heard something important was gonna be told during that assembly, and if I missed it I might embarrass myself from being clueless, and we wouldn't want that now would we?

I was so deep in thought that I was already infront of class E's (A/N: Is it class E-3 or Class E? Idk sorry T~T) door. Barging in, I say "Sorry I'm so late, I had to get my strawberry milk" in my normal sarcastic voice. Before Koro-sensei could say anything I quickly try and cut off his tentacle, with my normal terrifying smile. Sadly, he dashed away before the knife had made contact with him.

"What a shame, I was so close" I speak while sitting down.

"Anyways class" Koro-sensei says while returning to the front of the class, "Today we have an assembly that will take place at the main building."

I know this knowledge already, of course because that's the only reason I came, but I didn't realize was we would have to meet the (butt holes) that are in Class A. '(Crap), I didn't think about that' I think, not showing the expression of my worried filled thoughts on my face.

'Welp, I guess I will have to deal with it' I think, going out of the classroom readying myself mentally to go down the large hill to go to the assembly.

|~•Time Skip•~|

Even though I knew there was important information, I didn't stay there (in the staff only room) long enough to know what exactly that information was. Well, even if I wanted to leave, I couldn't easily. I was already at the assembly, and leaving is not something I have that much want to do, so I'm not gonna bother.

I see our school principal, Gokohō, go up infront of the whole school most likely to make the announcement, so I might need to pay attention.

"Good morning students" he says with his stern voice, face expiration-less. "You all have been working hard, so hard in-fact, that we have planned a beach trip for you all, because summer is almost here" that's odd. Our principal, being nice?! Oh well the beach does sound like fun, let's see what all will happen there.

His voice said something again, "It will last a week and I will lead you in either groups of 3 or 4, and I have rented beach houses for you and your groups." This seems fishy, I'll figure out his true intentions later though, because this beach trip seems intriguing.

"No, you will not pick the groups you will being staying with, and you must stay with your group at almost all times, and groups will be randomized, there is a possibility to get people from other classes in your group as well." The principal finished, while I could hear many groans and sighs in the audience. "You all may be dismissed now" The stern man said while taking his leave, while conversation started about the trip leaving the room with loud whispers.

"Now everyone, please quite down and get back to your classes, the beach trip is tomorrow so we need time to learn our lessons before the fun begins" I heard that message faintly though, most likely because I was spacing out. I couldn't even place my finger on what teacher it was, I was in very deep thought.

Who will be my partners? Will they be from class E, or will there be others? Is it worth my time? What kind of trick is this?

These were all questions that were going through my mind while walking up the hill, until I realized that I could just go home now, why else did I come here other then that? Now that it was over I could go home.

I walk by a trash can and throw my now empty strawberry milk away, turning to go back down the hill I was now half way up on, until I felt someone tap my shoulder. It was Nagisa.(A/N: I think that is the blue hair boys name and how you spell it, but if not, please correct me!)

"Where are you going Karma?" I heard his voice seem kind of worried. "I'm going home to sleep of course" I say with pride, knowing that he couldn't stop me, I was top of the class anyways. "Oh ok Karma, bye" he says smiling and waving. "Goodbye, I say while disappearing from peoples view to go home.

|~•Time Skip•~|

Now it was 1:00 pm, I must have spent a lot of time wondering around the neighborhood. While wondering though, some boy decided to come up and hit me. He looked drunk and passed out soon after, who even drinks at this time of day!? Anyways because he was passed out, I decided to leave a pleasant surprise for him to wake up to. A stinging nose from Wasabi.

Well I have already gotten everything packed, so I might as well go to bed, I am tired anyways so what's the harm.

I get In the shower and wash my hair, getting out 7 minutes later, changing into pajamas. 'Good night me~' I think while drifting to sleep, and hopefully tomorrow will be a good day, because today wasn't to good, but over all fine.

I wake up at 3:00 am hungry, maybe I shouldn't have gone to bed so early and skipped dinner.

Now I can't go to bed, I guess I should just get some left over food from two nights ago and eat it.

-Note to self: Never fall asleep early-

~•1,031 Words•~

~•A Week At The Beach•~ || A Karashuu StoryWhere stories live. Discover now