Chapter 19: Confess

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Ava's POV

Where am I? Am I dead?

No this..this looks like my old room.

"Ava honey. Come downstairs for breakfast."


I dash out of my room and down the stairs following the sound until I reach the kitchen. My eyes widen at the sight. My mother is cooking and she still looks just as beautiful as she did the last time I saw her.

My eyes start to fill with water.

"Mom?" I say as my voice cracks.

I run over to her and throw my hands around her neck when I reach.

"Honey? What's wrong?" she whispered as she started rubbing my back gently.


"Am I dead?" I whispered.

She pulled away from me with a worried face.

"Of course not honey."


"B-but then how..." I said looking around.

"Ohhh, you're trying to ask how I'm here? I'm not sure about that."


What about Ace?

"You must be thinking about Ace."

I turned my head to see my mother smiling which made me blush for some reason.

"Mom" I pouted.

"Come on honey. We have a lot to discuss," she said as she motioned to the table.



I started running towards the door but for some reason as soon as I opened it and ran through it I was back in the kitchen.

"Ava. I've tried. Believe me."

"Mom I would love nothing more than to sit down and chat with you but Ace. He got shot in the shoulder. He's hurt. I need to get back to him." I say as my voice breaks.

My mother smiles and stands up walking toward me. She takes my hand and takes me to the table.

"It seems that you have found your knight in shining armor," she said.

I immediately felt my cheeks warm up.

"What, n-no what are you talking about." I stuttered.

"Cmon Ava, I'm your mother. I don't know how much time we have but I don't want to waste it."

"Mom, are we going to have this talk? Right now? Here?"

She started at me with her eyes trying to get me to agree like that was going to work.

"Ok okay, fine. Maybe I do like him."

She narrowed her eyes at me.


"Okay, maybe I like him more than that"

I feel like a child right now.

"Honey, I know you thought that getting married to Ace was going to be the worst thing possible but look at you now. From what I saw it seems that he cares about you too."

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