Part Three: The Princess of Afirani

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West the wind blew, over the humid woodland that spread across southwest Quorin and through the peaceful kingdom of Afirani. However, that tranquility would not remain for long.

Beyond the woodland was the savannah, where it stretched along the southern region of Quorin, past Zauthean, and then to the deserts southeast. The deserts were where most Afiranians lived until all the lakes dried up and they were forced to migrate west. Many villages were also plundered by the Pirate King and his army, causing hundreds of their kin's deaths. Fortunately, there was a large woodland to the west, which would house the next kingdom of Afirani.

However, all was not content, for rumors have spread of a new kingdom, Sahara'Eden, a place where people from all over the world can seek refuge for a better life. This kingdom surfaced in the same deserts where the Afiranians came from, and many of the townspeople were tempted to return to their homeland. However, Mother Morowa, the Queen-Chief of Afirani, refused to march to Sahara'Eden in fear of kingdoms like Qreton and Zauthean.

Thus, an uprising began in Afirani. Many royal families affiliated with the Queen-Chief were being targeted by the commonfolk, mostly due to them being magically talented. This was since a royal clan of the Queen-Chief had two gifts that commonfolk did not, magic and wealth.

The daughter of Morowa, Princess Afiriyie was also the main target because she was gifted with creation magic. She could use her magic to create beautiful objects out of people's happiness, which was a gift like none other. It was also why she needed protection.

And Ashon was that protector.

Under an old acacia tree, he rested his legs upon a silk hammock, with the Princess huddled beside him. She was about his age, fourteen with brown-colored skin much like every Afiranian. Her long, black hair was tied in various hairbands of all colors. As a princess of Afirani, she represented each royal clan with one of her hairbands.

Ashon, on the other hand, was the seventh-born son to the Achani clan and had markings on his clothes to signify that. They were a line of talented fighters who served as bodyguards and soldiers for the Queen-Chief. Their magic dealt with curses, where they would ensure dread upon their enemies with their ominous way of combat. Their village lay around a lagoon, where many Achani people were born and raised to fight.

As of now, Ashon was on the run from a group of mercenaries hired to kidnap the Princess. His sole job was to protect her, even at a young age. Yet, being young did not mean he was weak.

It had seemed that his restless behavior had awakened the Princess, and with a yawn, she lifted her eyes to meet with Ashon's. "Good morning," she said softly, and she got up from the hammock and stretched her arms and legs. "It sure is a beautiful day, isn't it?"

"You say that every day, Princess," Ashon replied. "Remember that we do not have time to enjoy it."

"Right," Princess Afiriyie said, her eyes sinking to the tall grass below. "I try not to remember things like that."

"Because they are bad?" Ashon stated.

"Right," she replied.

"We must remember them because they are bad," Ashon told her. "That was what my parents said to me. Anyhow, we need to get moving, Princess."

With a slight nod from Afiriyie, Ashon picked up his cursed sickle-sword from the hammock and began to move with the Princess close behind him.

They were nearing the western coastline, where several miles south lay the Achani clan and the Achani Lagoon. This area of the woodland was humid, with several swamp-lakes and marshes in their vicinity. Ashon could hear the croaking of toads and see the shadows of lurking crocodiles. Every which way he had to change the course of their route because of the marsh and its dangerous inhabitants.

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