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   Twisting and turning in bed, hands gripping the sheets my heart rate quickens. I can hear quiet voices whispering as I'm stuck in a space inbetween dreams and being awake. Groaning quietly feeling sick as the dreams get worse, as the nightmares get more intense I begin shaking in my sleep. Clutching my eyes shut as I squirmed around the bed kicking the nightmare only gets worse.

  Waking up again I gasp for breath, heart pounding from the adrenaline the nightmare gave me.

   Leaning up in bed using the headboard to rest against I couldn't believe how tired I was. Holding my head feeling a headache come on I groaned softly before looking towards the rooms window. Manny's glow shone through the room filling the space with bright light. Chuckling at the moons glow I close my eyes trying to get my mind off the nightmare and focus on something else.

   As the light in the room seemed to get brighter I hummed. It was like Manny was apologizing. How sweet considering the circumstances.

   "North..." I muttered my brain pounding against my skull. I couldn't quit hear the whispered vocies in my half awake half asleep stupor but I knew it was the guardians talking about me. At least I think it was them it might have been fearlings, I wasn't in that state long enough to know.

  Looking up the door suddenly swung open as the guardians filed into the room looking concerned. They'd been waiting outside hoping  I'd fall asleep but it seemed the curse Pitch had cast had come true. I would never have a restful nights sleep again. Not as long as I lived.

  As I got worried looks from my friends I smiled at them despite my obvious discomfort. They were trying so hard to help me I felt bad that I couldn't help them. My condition was maddening at this point but I'd almost become numb to it, I'd had sleep problems my entire life but never like this...

  As the guardians entered Jack flew over putting a cup of coca next to me. A small frown was on his youthful face as his blue eyes stared at me with a heaviness I'd never seen in the Guardian of fun. Taking the drink smiling at the whipcream and sprinkles I nod thankful as I begin sipping the warm drink. The taste of warm cinnamon and chocolate flooding my tongue.

  "Nothing snowpea?" He murmers quietly and I shake my head no. No sleep.

  He nods looking disappointed before looking away. Feeling guilty I stare at the cup as the guardians whisper amongst themselves. I can hear what their saying but I can't really focus, my head numb to most thought. As the cup warms my clammy hands I close my eyes trying to think happier thoughts. 

  Tooth flitters over and sits next to me.

  "We'll find a way (Y/N). Promise." She states and I nod taking another sip as I watch the other guardians.

  "I just- I just dont understand! How are you still awake?!" North asks softly. He knew the answer we all did, but we couldn't believe Pitch had such a power. He had done something similar to a girl named Katherine long ago, but thats when Pitch was at the peak of his power. This spell was much stronger, more concentrated and Pitch wasn't at full power. It was worrying but... Thankfully I was his only  beleiver (unwilling but oh well) and he hasn't targeted anyone else.

  "That bloody bastard." Bunny curses before looking away ears drooping. 

  "Hey. Hey. The situation sucks but at least I have you guys." I respond honestly as I take another sip of coca. I knew I was reaching but I felt bad, they were doing so much to help me and it was getting discouraging. We had to be creative, we had to be clever to defeat Pitch. We couldn't let him win. The cocoa suddenly didn't taste sweet and letting the cup rest in my lap still trying to think happy thoughts Tooth sighs softly. 

  Her hands gently touch my face and I hum leaning into her soft touch.

   "Would seeing your memories help?" She asks softly. We'd already tried that and although it was nice to relive better times it hadn't let me sleep peacefully. Nodding no at her she hums in understanding holding me close. As Jack balances on the headboard he frowns before punching the wall. The guardian of fun looked pissed as he crossed his arms watching me carefully. 

  The room was bright no shadows could enter here, maybe the only place in the world where they couldnt. But that didn't stop Pitches curse.

  "Were the nightmares at least little bit better? Little bit?" North asked hopefully.

  They all wanted a win so bad they'd been coming up with ideas for days now but it all ended the same. Me waking up feeling unrested and unwell. I change the subject unable to lie to my close friends. 

   "Sandy I'm sorry but it's not working. I told you, your dream dust doesn't work on me." I said flatly rubbing at my bleary eyes. What was this? Three nights now without sleeping? Nothing I wasn't used to even if it sucked.

  Looking at Sandy with a little smile a tornado of sand poured out of his ears as he stomped his foot at me. "What?" I asked innocently knowing exactly what I did to annoy the golden guardian. 

   "It's Sand (Y/N)." North corrected chuckling. "Half dead from not sleeping and you are still so mischevious. Not dust. Sand. Dust is your power no?" He asks with a smile as he gently scuffed my hair. Laughing I nodded before letting out a loud yawn.

   "I know. I know. Hence the name. Dream Sand." Leaning back on the bed feeling exhausted Tooth takes my cocoa and lets go of me but she continues to sit on the bed as I stretch out and yawn again. Was it weird to be so tired when you weren't really tired at all?

   "I don't get it." North fussed staring at me. I shrugged eyes droopy. 

   "You and me both." I yawned once more staring at the ceiling with intricate star patterns as I layed back down trying to get comfortable in the soft pillows and warm blankets.

   "It just doesn't make sense." He mused as he began to stroke his beard. "You can make moon dust. Moon dust is so similar to dream sand... Shouldn't that in itself allow you to sleep? Shouldn't your powers be enough to defeat Pitches darkness?" North questioned to no one as he stared off in space lost in thought.

   Getting another crazy but wondrous idea he began pacing, the gears in his head turning. Watching him pace I rolled my eyes feeling exhausted. The constant tap of his shoes beginning to annoy me as he went back and forth across the large room.

   "Wish that's how it worked." Sadly I couldn't grant wishes to myself only others. And unless they truly wished it and wanted it with all their hearts, it couldn't come true. I couldn't ask a kid to wish away this curse. I had to fix it myself. 

    Hi my names (Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N). Recently I learned after moving to Burgess Pennsylvania, even though I at first didn't believe in childrens tales, they were very real. These children tales or the Guardians of Childhood as I now know them are not only real but have become my family over time. But before I tell you that story I have to tell you my story and to do that we have to go back to the beginning. Before I met the guardians and before I believed in hope, fun, wonder, light, dreams, and the importance of childhood memories.  

   I'm (Y/N) and this is the start to my story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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