Part 1: Saving People, Hunting Things

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Summary: Y/N is just a normal girl until she meets Dean Winchester. After that, she learns to hunt and spends a lot of time with Sam and Dean, even living in the bunker with them. She has feelings for Dean, but thinks he couldn't feel the same.

***Inspired by Love Aint by The Eli Young Band

Warnings: Emotionally abusive relationship, gaslighting, unrequited feelings, angst, violence, reference to drinking

Word Count: 5,352

Gif Credit: Popsugar (Pinterest)

A/N: I hope you guys like this one! I started it before I even thought of He Will Be Loved, but I hit a block with it. Finally finished it up and am publishing it all NOW for your enjoyment!


Italicized text = flashbacks

Underlined = thoughts

Italicized and underlined = thoughts during flashbacks

Sun poured in through the windows, and You cursed under your breath, vowing to pick up some blackout curtains for your room today before any of your other weekend plans started. This new apartment came with a beautiful cityscape view of Lawrence, Kansas, but window treatments to keep the light at bay in the morning? Nope.

"Still beats the bunker," You muttered, crawling out of bed and shuffling across the hall to the tiny bathroom.

You had been hunting with the Winchester brothers, Sam and Dean, for the last 3 years. They had found you in a Missouri library. Back then, You were just a neuroscience and psychology double major, preparing your final thesis for graduation in a month.

The two tall, very attractive men came walking up, one with short sandy blond hair wearing a leather jacket, and the other with shaggy, long brown hair, in a corduroy jacket, looking like two Greek gods that hadn't slept in days. They asked you about a paper You had gotten published in a neuro/medical magazine, compiling your research on human souls and your theory proposing their existence and where they reside in the body.

The man in leather, Dean, proposed a question. If a soul had a location, that meant it could be lost, and if it were lost, how would one be able to get it back? That got your curiosity peaked. You told them you'd do some research and let them know in the morning. You didn't leave the library all night, unable to sleep as your mind reeled over their question. You poured over countless books about to fall apart with old age before You even hopped onto a computer to see what the internet had to say. Finally, You stumbled upon an answer in an old book on the lore of souls and their origin! If any of this was true, the two brothers had to do some sort of ritual to summon Death and follow it with a trial to retrieve the lost soul. You were rushing out to your car, calling the number the oldest, Dean, had given you, when suddenly, You were shoved up against the side of a building, a blade pressed against your throat.

It was the late night librarian, but something was wrong. Her usual pale blue eyes were black, no white showing, and her gentle face was filled with rage and malice. "Give me the book, and I'll kill you quickly!" She hissed.


The knife pressed harder against your throat, and You were sure that this was the end. Then the impossible happened. Her whole face seemed to glow bright orangish-red, and a starburst of the same color poured out light from the middle of her chest, a silver point in the dead center. The silver retracted back into the starburst, and in an instant, her life-light flickered out. The librarian crumpled to the ground, dead, revealing Dean Winchester behind her, holding some sort of silver spiked blade.

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