Part 2: You Deserve Better

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Summary: Helping the Winchesters with lore can be difficult for Y/N, especially when Dean acts like an ass. You put him in his place and go to meet Brett for your birthday date. It doesn't go as planned! I can't give it all away though, so read on!

Warnings: emotional abuse, gaslighting, angst, fighting, violence, cheating, fluff, FEELINGS

Word Count: 5,778

Gif Credit: Tenor

A/N: Part 2 of my mini series! I hope you love it! Part 3 will be posted immediately after this!

Key:Italicized text = flashbacksUnderlined = thoughtsItalicized and underlined = thoughts during flashbacks

An hour later, You had about eight books spread out on the tables in the study and the phone pressed to your ear. This time, Dean answered.

"Hey, Y/N." You could hear the smile in his voice. "Still having boy troubles?"

"Oh shut up, Winchester. Do you want the information or not?" You scoffed.

"Sorry, shoot."

"The flesh golem is essentially Frankenstien's monster except it may have parts of other humanoid monsters sewn into it. For a shambling of stitched together pieces, it's surprisingly sturdy, and it as it has several immunities to weapons. They are resistant to all slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage. That rules out knives, guns, and angel blades."

"So what can we do?"

"According to a journal of one of the previous Men of Letters, flesh golems are incredibly vulnerable to fire. So go with that."

"Sounds good, thanks, Y/N," He said softly. "You're the best."

"I know," You teased with a giggle. "Oh, and one last thing, Dean. When a flesh golem engages in combat, there's a small chance that its spirit would break free and it could go berserk."


"Meaning, the uncontrolled abomination can go on a rampage, attacking the nearest living creature or smashing anything smaller than itself. Then moving on to spread more destruction." You let out a heavy sigh. "Please...just be careful out there?"

"No promises, but we'll try." He took a deep breath. "Bye Y/N."

"Bye, De-" You started, but the line was already dead.

You've got to be kidding me. You thought angrily. Why do I try so hard to impress him when he doesn't give a damn? Cranking the sound up to high on your phone, You stormed down the hall to your old bedroom, where You changed into your shorts before heading down to the bunker's gym. Actually, it was less of a gym, and more of a dank concrete room with a few free weights, Sam's yoga matt, and the punching bag Dean and You had bought for the place when the three of you started living here. There in that room, You put all of your anger into the most intense workout.

You did every abdominal exercise You could think of, until your core was shaking. Then weighted squats, lunges, and deadlifts. Followed up lastly with 10 rounds on the bag. By the time You were wrapping up your last round, a sheen of sweat coated your skin, excess droplets from your face and arms falling to the floor. The timer sounded off on the last round, and You collapsed to the floor, gasping deeply as You tried to get your heart rate to come back down.

You checked the phone again, suddenly feeling like it was attached to you like a proverbial ball and chain. No missed calls or messages. Perfect. I've got time to shower. You hurried back to your room, grabbing your duffle bag and bolting to the bathroom. You were initially planning to make the shower as quick as possible so You wouldn't miss a call from the boys, but once You got under the water, the tension that You had been holding in your muscles all day finally started slipping away. You let it wash over you, feeling the heat soak through every inch of your body, pushing out the negativity and stress. Needing curtains in your apartment, Brett's uncaring attitude, Charlie's breakup suggestion, Dean's breakup suggestion, Dean in general...All of it washed down the drain with every minute You spent under the stream. And then the phone rang again.

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