Part 3: Kiss Me

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Summary: Left you hanging in part 2, so we'll start with the kiss! Y/N finally heard Dean confess his feelings, and now he's taking her back to her apartment. Read on for the finale of this 3 part series!

Warnings: smut, fluff, intruder, guns, death threats

Word Count: 5,641

Gif Credit: Arie's Corner (Tumblr)

A/N: Final part of the Love Ain't mini series! I hope you love reading it as much as I did writing it!

Key:Italicized text = flashbacksUnderlined = thoughtsItalicized and underlined = thoughts during flashbacks

"Oh, just kiss me already, Winchester." You smiled.

"Don't have to tell me twice." His low, husky voice echoed through your whole body as his face closed the space between your lips.

A wave of white hot electricity washed through your body, making every hair stand up on end and sucking all the breath from your lungs once more. His lips were soft and warm, gliding effortlessly against yours and driving your every sense wild. Your head was spinning and your thoughts were scrambling and disappearing with each new sensation.

You pulled back, trying to catch your breath, your chest heaving. You looked to Dean, hoping your pulling away hadn't hurt him, but he just smiled, his breathing ragged too.

"Wow," He said softly.

"You said it." You took another shaky breath. "Take me home? I want to get out of this dress and shower so I can clean all this racoon makeup off my face."

"Okay." He chuckled softly. "Just so you know, Y/N, you're the cutest raccoon I've ever met."

"Aww." You leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He shot you a wink before starting the car and beginning your trek back to your apartment.

You reached out a hand and laced your fingers through his, adoring the way his rough hand felt in yours. You were both quiet on the way home, each lost in your own thoughts. Your mind was racing a hundred miles an hour. Never in a million years did You think you'd ever hear those words come out of Dean Winchester's mouth. You had been friends for so long, but You never thought he saw you as anything more than that. You thought about that day that You accidentally told him You loved him.

You had been hunting a couple of rogue hellhounds with Sam and Dean. None of you were sure how they slipped out of Hell, but they were wreaking havoc on a small township just on the outskirts of Havasu Falls. Sammy had looked into the victim's backgrounds, and none of them had seemed to make any deals with crossroads demons. The three of you had cornered the three hounds and each taken on your own. You quickly dispatched yours, thanks to the glasses Sam made for each of you. After slitting the throat of your hellhound, You assessed the situation. Sam had his under control, backed it up against a tree, but Dean's hound was bigger, meaner. As you turned to look at him, the hound pounced, pinning him to the ground.

Something inside you dropped like an anvil into the pit of your stomach, your heart leapt in your chest, and You jumped into action without a single thought. You tackled the hellhound, bringing it to its side on the ground with a thud. The hound was stronger and more agile than you, though. It bucked you off and ran straight for you as you lay splayed out on the ground. You waited until the last moment, preparing your move. When the hound pounced, ready to clamp down on your throat, You thrust your blade up and plunged it into its chest, dragging the blade down through its ribs and through its belly. Blood and entrails splattered out, covering you in sticky black goo.

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