I mentioned Daniella a few times and you may think who is Daniella well here is the bio
She is the opposite of me, Damien
-she is non binary (amab)
-she has long hair. I have short hair (I typed here shoe pp on accident)
-she is unpleasant to be around. I'm pleasant to be around (depending whom you are)
-she likes spicy food but dislikes sugary food
Aka she is the opposite of me lol, she also is naive
The Confusing and Collective Thinking of the Human Mind (aka Fynn's Thoughts)
Random[the cover art is irrelevant if their is one] Hello my name is Fynn, I'm a lgbtq+ and disabled,I might also put in things about my life and maybe some book ideas idk anymore... I will also put some of my opinions in this book so there will be some d...