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A/N: I wrote clay for a second instead of dream oh god 😭

It was a month since Dream and George had began living together. They still weren't dating and hadn't kissed since the last time Dream got George that computer.

"Come on Georgie we gotta go we are gonna be late!" Dream yelled upstairs to the boy who was holding them up.

"Hold on I am wearing something I got from the store when we went shopping for the kitten!" George yelled back.

Dream wondered what he could have bought that was new that could have been taking him so long.

"Okay will you promise not to laugh or judge me."George said from around the stairs.

"I Promise not to laugh or judge you." Dream said in not caring tone but still meant it.

"Wait can you just look towards the door."(G)

"Georgie come on-" Dream began

"Please." George had said in a desperate voice. 

Dream sighed and turned around. "I am not looking will you come down now. We really are gonna be late."

George came down the stairs and took a deep breath.

"You can look now." George looked towards the ground and Dream turned around.

George was wearing and black skirt with an oversized hoodie Dream had gave him. He even had thigh high stocking on and some sneakers.

"Surprise." George said softly looking towards the ground playing with the hoodie stings.

Dream says nothing and just stares and George.

"Ya I knew this was a bad idea. I am going to change." George turns around but is stopped by Dream grasping his hand.

George looks up to see Dream  bright red.

"You look fine Georgie. Uh- lets go." Dream grabs George and his backpack and opens the door.

This is what George is wearing btw

This is what George is wearing btw

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But The hoodie has a smile on it.

But The hoodie has a smile on it

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