Going To Maryland

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*Winter's POV*

I couldn't really stay focused on packing my things because I was really happy about that I was finally going to get adopted. I'm not sure where they're from, but I hope its NOWHERE near hear. I mean I knew that I grew up in this town and I love it, but the people here are so cruel and it'll be good to finally get away from it all. When I finished packing my things, I walked out the door and was greeted by the orphanage"s cat, Misty. We have one because Miss Alice thought it would be good so that we could learn to build trust, since most of it could've been broken by our families. There's kids here with parents that have committed suicide, (like me), others who never met their parents and were just dumped here, and others were here because they were domestiacally abused and someone finally reprted it. I felt bad for the other kids because most of the things I went through were nothing compared to them.

"Oh Misty", I whispered stroking her fur, my voice breaking,"I'm going to miss you so so much." I then started crying and sat down and put her in my lap. i sat there hugging her and stroking her fur for the next 10 minutes until I was called down to the lobby. Then was I realized who the four guys were, they were a band, All Time Low. The only song I knew by them was Jasey Rae, only it was the acoustic version. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, Misty following closly behind, I looked up to see the boys talking to Miss Alice. She was talking about my depression, social anxiety, and anorexia. I also heard her mention how hard it would be for me to adjust, whcih wasn't much of a lie. She then saw me standing behind them, and cut herself off. I was rally going to miss her. she was the lady that took me in, gave me a home, and the lady who saved my life countles times by giving me encouraging pep talks whenever I was upset. She walked over to me and gave me a hug as I cried into he shoulder.

"I'm going to miss you Winter.", she whispered stroking my cheek. I just nodded back because I stll had tears streaming down my face. Rian then came over and put his arm around me and gave me a little side hug. I was a midget compared to him. He was the shortest out of the group of guys, but was most likely a foot taller than me, as I'm 4'11. They then started leading me outside. Jack went over to give Misty but she hissed at him and brought out her claws. I laughe becasuse Misty was usually a nice cat, but I guess Jack was a little to loud and alarming. As we were walking out the door and to their car, Alex told about that they knew my birthday was in a couple of days and asked me if I wanted to do anything. I shook my head slowly.

"This is the first year that I'm not going to have any of my real family with me and it'll just feel weird without my mom, brother, or dad. I kinda don't want to. I haven't celebrated my birthday in the past few years anyway. It just doesn't seem important, like "Hey, you're another year near death! Let's celebrate!' Like no...",I said slowly drifting off when I saw Zack's face. He looked......worried. In fact, all of them had a look of worry. We had gotten to the car and I sat in between Jack and Rian in the back, while Zack drove and Alex sat in the passenger's seat. Alex broke the silence by puting on the radio. Green Day's Kill The DJ came on and they were screaming their lungs out singing to it. I decided to join in because it was one of my favorite songs by them. We pullde up to a hotel.

"We're here for tour at the moment. Since Christmas is in a few days, we're heading back to Maryland tomorrow. Alice told us about the buulying so I bet your happy to be away from those fuckers.", he explained witha chuckle. I honestly was going to be really happy about it. I soon felt tired and we walked to the elevator and went to the 8th floor and to be honest, we all looked pretty tired. I decided to follow Alex to his hotel room because I felt most comfortable with him, and it was pretty obvious. Alex let me sleep on the bed that was in there as he slept on the couch. I went ot the bathroom and got changed. I came back out, and Alex was passed out on the couch. I smiled at how innocent and cute he looked. he had one of his arms over his face while the other was on his stomach and his lips were parted. I walked quietly over to the bed and laid down. I started thinking about how easy it would be to get used to the guys. They seemed so sweet and hopefully when I meet their faimilies, they'll be just as nice. Maybe I finally belonged somewhere. I smiled at the thought. I then rummaged through my bag looking for the books I had. I was reading Divergent,but I also had The Fault in Our Stars, and Dorothy Must Die. I read my book for about an hour before putting it in my bag and let my head fall back on to my pillow, slowly drifting off to a peacful, dreamful sleep.


Hi guys! This seem alittle annoying but if you already have instagram could you follow my account @olobonersykes? It would mean so much!! And again, tahnk you for reading this story. It means so much. Love you guys!!!-Emma

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