the story

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u might cry idk this gets pretty emotional

Beanie man was walking to chuck e cheese when he came across a tall ginger. "Q-taro, what are you doing here?" He asked, shock written all over his face. He made haste to hide his bag full of JoJo Bows behind his back. 

 "Aye, nothing much really, I just love the pizza at chuck e cheese's so much, i come here every single day." The ginger flexed his muscles, not noticing the beanie dude hiding the bag. "Multiple times a day when I feel like it," he continued. 

 Beanie guy nodded, trying to look like he was in a hurry but it was to no avail. Q-taro just kept talking about Chuck E Cheese and how good the pizza there was. Patience running thin, the beanie man punched Q-taro in the nuts and made a run for it. He begged the universe for forgiveness for what he had done, but there was no other way. He couldn't risk the ginger finding out about his JoJo Bow collection. 

 The guilty man walked the rest of the way to the diner and stepped inside. By now, the weight of what he had done hit him, and tears started to fall down his face. "I'm sorry, Q-taro..." the man sobbed. He knew the pain of being punched in that area, and he felt so much guilt about what he had done.

 "There's only one thing I can do to make this all right..." Beanie man went to the food counter and purchased a cheese pizza for his buddy. "I hope he can forgive me. This is the least I can do..." Guilt was all he could feel. 

Sad, the beanie guy walked over to where he had punched Q-taro and saw the man sobbing on the ground. Beanie dude's heart broke into a million pieces. He quickly took the pizza out of his bag. 

 "Q-taro! Please take this! I bought it just for you! Please forgive me! I'm sorry!" Beanie man was desperate. He felt the box being snatched from his hands and saw Q-taro jumping and skippign around. 

 "thnx dude thnx thnx thnx i love chuck e cheese pizza ur the best thnx thnx yuhhhh this is so good thnx dude i love chuck e cheese pizza" said the ginger.

 Beanie guy breathed a sigh of relief and decided to go home. He turned around, glad that he had made amends with the ginger, when he heard his name.

 He turned around slowly, only to see Q-taro pointing at a JoJo Bow that was on the ground. Beanie man's jaw dropped to the ground. 

 "IT'S NOT MIN-" He tried, but the ginger cut him off. 

 "I LOVE JOJO BOWS! YUHHHHHH! pls pls pls pls can i have it plzzzzz" Q-taro pleaded. Beanie guy sighed. He really liked that bow, but he did punch Q-taro in the balls... 

 "Okay." Beanie man gave in. Q-taro started fucking dancing around the place in joy. 

 Beanie dude wiped away some tears he didn't know he had cried out, plugged in his earbuds, and remembered the JoJo Bow that was no longer his. 

 On the way home, he sang; 

 "That's what the mask is.... that's what teh point of the mask is."

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