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Hana's Pov:


I groan slamming my hand on the alarm clock. As I sit up in my bed, I hear my door open. I look up and see my roommate, who also happens to be my best friend barge into my room.

"HANA GET UP YOU ARE GONNA BE LATE FOR WORK!" He yelled, opening my door fully.

"ugh, Shin, what did i say about knocking, I could have been naked." I said rolling my eyes and getting up.

"Sorry...I made you coffee by the way! Hurry up and change before it gets cold." He said walking out of my room.

I nodded my head, and as soon as i heard my door click, I started getting ready. I wore my usual work attire, a black turtleneck, black pants, and a white lab coat. I grab my phone and work bag and leave my room.

As I walk into the kitchen I see Shin, and he is trying to make eggs...keyword trying. I laugh grabbing my coffee.

"Alright, I'm leaving, be careful don't burn the house down." I said smiling.

"Huh, OH, bye be careful, and be quiet i'm not gonna burn the house down." he said rolling his eyes a bit.


I finally make it to the make it to the school parking lot and head into the building. Today i'm subbing for a teacher, a teacher whose class i love. Today is going to be a good day!

As i make it to the class I see them all in their little groups. ugh kids and their groups. so weird, eh I was a weird kid I cant say anything. I walk over to the Teachers desk and set my bag down.

"Good morning kids!" I say smiling and waving at them.

"MS. NAKAMURA!!" the kids look at me and shout with happiness.

Nakamura...my mother's maiden name. After my brothers death I didn't want to use our fathers surname anymore so now I use Nakamura.

"Alrighty kids, go to your seats i'm gonna go over attendance now." I say standing in the front with a piece of paper in hand.

(A/n: This with how attendance will work H - hana, RS - random student, S - Sara, J - Joe, R - Ryoko. Idc if those three aren't in the same class, so don't say anything)

H - "Matt"

RS - "here"

H - "June"

RS - "present"

H - "Joe"

J - "HERE"

H -"Kayla"

RS - "here"

H - "James"

RS - "sup"

H - "Ryoko"

R - "Here"

H - "Chad"

RS - "here

H - "Karen"

RS - "present"

H - "Elijah"

RS - "here"

H - "Sara"

S - "here"

H - "Haden"

RS - "here"

H - "kelly"

RS - "here"

"Ok now that that is done with let's begin class."


It was the end of the day and I was looking at some of the students essays, when suddenly I hear a yelp. I shot my head up in the direction the noise came from. Joe had made the noise. He...he stabbed himself with a pencil. Yep, a pencil. I covered my mouth trying not to laugh. I hear the class erupt with giggles.

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