Only you

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Josie POV

It's the next day and we are driving to Portland. Well, Hope is driving. I think I'm gonna switch with her, so she can take a nap.

Jo: "Do you wanna switch, so you can take a nap?"

Hope: "I thought you couldn't drive. What happened?"

Jo: "My legs are just sore. They work almost perfectly fine"

Hope: "Are you sure you wanna drive?"

Jo: "Positive"

Hope: "Ok"

After about 10 minutes there is another rest stop. Hope and I take turns going to the bathroom, then we sit there for a little, while we feed the kids their bottles.

Jo: "Hope?"

Hope: "Love?"

Jo: "Are we gonna get married?"

Hope: "We're already married, babe"

Jo: "That's weird. I don't remember getting a ring...or saying yes for that matter"

Hope: "You would say yes if I asked right now, with no ring"

Jo: "You got a point"

Hope: "I know. You ready?"

Jo: "Yep, let's go"

Me and Hope start driving, and after about an hour the kids, and Hope are asleep. I get hungry, so I stop at a Wendy's. I go in and get food. When I come back I see them all still asleep, and a few missed calls from Lizzie. I call Lizzie back

~Phone Call~

Jo: "Hello?"

Lizzie: "Hey, Jo, how's it going?"

Jo: "Great"

Lizzie: "Well, I called because I would like to say, I think it's rude how you guys just left me"

Jo: "Sorry, Liz, but it was an in the moment thing"

Lizzie: "I'm literally around the corner. What made you think I wanted to stay here with dad complaining about you being gone?"

Jo: "Again, I'm sorry. Maybe next time"

Lizzie: "There is no maybe Josette. I am going next time"

Jo: "Mhm, ok, well, I have to go"

~Real Life~

I start the car back up and begin driving again. After a hour and a half Hope wakes up and it's now dark outside. She doesn't say anything, just goes on her phone. I see up coming traffic, but no way out of the high way. I say "damnit" to myself

Hope: "Are you ok?"

Jo: "Peachy"

I turn my head to Hope and she's staring at me, so I stare back. Not in a rude way of course.

Jo: "Is something wrong?"

Hope: "Nope, perfect"

Jo: "Then why are you staring?"

Hope: "Because your the thing that's perfect"

Jo: "Who would've known Hope Mikaelson was such a sweetheart?"

Hope: "Only you. Please don't tell Lizzie, god knows all the jokes she would make"

I laugh and start driving again. Hope and I start to have a conversation about when we're going back. She says it's up to me, but I don't want it to be up to me. I want both of us to decide

A love that can never be corrupted (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now