Hot tribrid sex

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Josie POV

I wake up to the smell of blood. I feel the dark veins ripple under my eyes. Hopes arms are still tightly wrapped around my waist, as was last night. And we're both still very naked.

Hope: "Fight it, Jo"

I try to get up but Hope pulls me back down.

Jo: "Let me go"

Hope: "Not until you resist it"

I take deep breaths and the veins go away and my breathing goes back to normal. She slowly loosens her grip and right when she fully lets go I try to vamp speed away but before I can get far she has me pinned against the wall.

Hope: "I know you can do this Jo, fight it"

Jo: "I can't"

Hope: "You have to. Do you know what they will do to you if you don't? They will lock you up and dry you out until your desiccated. You won't be able to see your family, our kids, none of your friends. I don't want that to happen to you, and you don't either. Do you understand?"

I close my eyes and after a little bit I nod.

Hope: "Good. I'm gonna let you, so please don't run out. I really don't feel like chasing you around the school naked"

Jo: "I think it's more that you don't want others to see me naked"

Hope: "That to. Get dressed we have things to do"

Before she walks away I pull her back then grab the spelled member and siphon it off. We both get dressed then head down to the kitchen. Hope makes sure no ones around then grabs 2 blood bags. One with human blood, the other with animal blood. She hands me the animal blood and I slowly open it. I take a gulp and almost throw it right back up

Hope: "You ok, love"

Jo: "Better than ever"

She chuckles then grabs my hand. We walk outside into the woods and go pretty far

Jo: "Your not gonna kill me out here, right?"

Hope: "No. We're just gonna have a little fun"

Jo: "I've always wanted to have 'hot tribrid sex' in the woods"

Hope: "Well, I have to help you control your bloodlust. We can't have a ripper herectic running around. Then maybe I'll take you up on your offer of 'hot tribrid sex'. Except not in the woods"

We walk for like 5 more minutes then we stop at this open field shaped as a circle

Jo: "What's the plan, Hope?"

Hope: "I want you to stand on the other side of the field. I'm gonna open the blood bag and you need to stay there, don't move a muscle. Got it?"

I vamp speed to the other side and stand there. Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't actually know how to vamp speed. I just do it. I see her open the bag and then I smell it. It's very strong. I try to take deep breaths but that just brings more of the smell in. Next thing I know I'm on the ground in front of Hope. I tried to vamp speed to get the blood but she pushed me back.

Hope: "We're gonna keep doing this until you get it"

I stand up and go back. After 30 more times of me getting thrown onto my ass, I finally get the strength to stop it. Hope opens the blood bag again and the only thing keeping me here is thinking about her and our kids. She flips the bag over and let's some blood drip out. After a few minutes she vamp speeds to me.

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