Chapter 1

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 Enma woke up in the middle of the night, not feeling well. The persistent headache he has had in the last few days has turned into a migraine he can't ignore. He carefully got out of bed not wanting to wake or worry Tsuna. Heading into the bathroom he closed the door. His head hurt too much to turn on the light so he leaned against the door sliding down to sit on the cool tile floor. Something was wrong, he just wasn't sure what. He was pretty sure it wasn't anything health-wise. Yet the migraine was starting to make him think differently. A sharp pain pounded against the side of his head causing him to grip his head. Hissing in pain he closed his eyes tightly gritting his teeth.

"What is going on?" He whispered as the pain passed. Resting his head against the door he looked at the ceiling that was dully illuminated by the moon coming in through the window. He wasn't sure how long he sat there with his arms draped over his knees, letting his hands hang loosely in front of him.

Blinking sluggishly he no longer saw the bathroom ceiling, but a black empty abyss. The change of scenery startled him from his trance causing him to stand too quickly, bringing stars into his vision as the world seemed to sway. Putting his hand to his head he tried to steady himself. He had never had that happen before, was it the migraine causing this to happen? That he wasn't sure of. Once the wave of dizziness subsided he looked around, not sure where he was entirely as the space didn't look or feel like the bathroom he had been in. He looked around for a while finding nothing in the empty space. Sighing he bit his lip in thought, this was something more than a migraine he was now sure of that.

"Now what..." He mumbled running his hand through his hair. Migraines weren't supposed to do this, whatever this was. Enma kind of wished he had something similar to Tsuna's hyper intuition. If he did this situation would be a lot easier to navigate. Speaking of the brunet, why was his flame signature getting closer? Was it morning already? Enma shook his head trying to get out of the black abyss that surrounded him, but he didn't have any luck. It was beginning to frustrate him.

"En?" Tsuna's sleepy voice cut through his thoughts. "What are you doing? Is everything alright?"

Enma blinked and suddenly he was back in bed, somewhat hovering over Tsuna. He blinked and sat back. "Uh... Yeah. Go back to sleep Tsu, you have a meeting in the morning."

Tsuna yawned, nodding slightly. "Okay..." He mumbled and changed his position as he fell back to sleep. Enma sat there in bed not sure what had happened. The last he remembered was sitting on the tile bathroom floor. He decided that he probably wasn't going to be going back to sleep so he got out of bed and got dressed for the day. Once done he looked at the time finding that it was almost sunrise anyway. Enma quietly grabbed his phone, his journal, and a pen before he left the bedroom. From there he headed to the library to write down what had happened. It was something he had never experienced before, therefore it was best he did document it.

A couple of hours later and the manor began to wake up and grow noisy. Enma sighed lightly, closing his journal. He should at least go wake Tsuna up if he isn't already. Standing, he headed back to the bedroom where Tsuna wasn't quite awake yet. Enma chuckled and put his journal away before he walked over to the bed. He ghosted his lips over Tsuna's teasingly earning a soft huff as the brunet opened his burnt caramel eyes.

Enma smiled standing straight. "Time to wake up Tsu."

Tsuna grumbled as he sat up, yawning. "Yeah, yeah... you're up early."

"I didn't sleep very well, don't worry about it." Enma shrugged. A concerned look crossed Tsuna's features. Enma smiled calmly, he didn't want to worry the brunet with something that could potentially be nothing.

"Alright, if you say so En. But I am here if you do need anything." Tsuna said as he got out of bed, looking up at Enma.

Enma kissed his forehead. "I know, and if I need anything I will ask."

"Good," Tsuna said as he moved to get ready for the day. Enma nodded and sat on the bed deciding to watch the shorter man. As he was doing that he felt the same stabbing pain as he had earlier that morning. He tried to ignore it, but it kept getting worse. Enma figured the pain wasn't good as before it had caused a lapse in his memory. Wanting to keep his pain from Tsuna he got up leaving the room while said brunet was in the shower. He went outside hoping some fresh air would help calm it. Going outside did seem to make it calm down, but it didn't go away. The pain was still making his head pulse with every sound, movement, and light around him. He closed his eyes for a moment and took deep breaths to push down the pain.

"En, why'd you leave?" Tsuna asked, wrapping his arms around Enma's waist as he laid his forehead against his back. Enma opened his eyes and looked over his shoulder at him and smiled gently.

"Sorry, I just needed some air," Enma replied as Tsuna looked up at him, puppy dog eyes in full force. Enma turned to face him gently, putting his hand to the brunet's cheek. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Tsuna asked, leaning into Enma's touch.

"You were in the shower," Enma replied with a small sigh. Tsuna looked at him with the look he gives people when he knows something is wrong. That look made Enma nervous, as he had long since gotten used to the feeling of wanting to avoid that look being directed at him. As it was the right combination of disappointment, worry, and knowing.

"Is everything alright?" Tsuna questioned, worry present in his voice.

"No, but it's nothing you need to worry about Tsu," Enma replied gently. He knew he needed to be honest with Tsuna as the brunet could tell if he wasn't. Tsuna just stared at him for a moment as if he was trying to decide something.

"Alright... I better get going or Reborn is going to come after me." Tsuna sighed letting Enma go.

Enma nodded slightly, leaning down to kiss Tsuna's lips. "I'll see you tonight. I have to go back to the island for a little bit."

Tsuna nodded a bit, returning the kiss before he went back inside. Enma sighed softly watching him go. He probably should have told Tsuna the whole truth.

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