build a boat to survive

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You have been playing build a boat to survive with your very good cousins. Especially the one who's name starts with J 👍. You had been playing for a while when all of a sudden supersonic71738 joins your game. You thought maybe he joined by accident since you rarely play with each other. But then, supersonic71738 sends a request to join your team and you happily accept.

While playing, supersonic71738 launches the boat even though it was unfinished. 'in a rush I see,' you thought. You didn't mind of course, but one of your cousins did. You and supersonic71738 didn't care because she was just a nuisance.

You all play for a few more minutes until your cousins wanted to play another game. "Bye sonic my love, I'm going to play another game 😍," you type before you leave.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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