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( AN/ ok so previous part continues here)
Abhay: " you guys go I'll be back in few hours"
Mahir: " okies daddy"
After making Mahir sleep I took long good shower all those things and what Kamzy bhai said was still going in my head after taking shower and sat and waited for Abhay cuz I finally decided that I will tell him everything and clearly I waited for him it's 12AM still no sign of Abhay i didn't called anyone cuz I don't want them to be in tension I hate troubling others I called him but he is not picking up the call * door opening voice* I went in living room and saw him
Navi: " where were you huh I was calling you since so long"
Abhay: " leave my way I don't want to talk about this plzz"
Navi: " seriously Abhay you are drunk again you promised u won't"
Abhay: " so what huh it's my life my wish who are you to control me plzz go away"
Navya: " Abhishek you always do this you come home late get drunk and fight don't u care about Mahir what he will think you never take his responsibility you are his father you never visit his school nor help me in anything I always handle everything alone why can't you be responsible what's wrong with you.. huh what's ur problem"
Abhay: * coming towards her* " you... you are my problem.. Navya you know what you never understand me all you want is everyone to be under ur control and they should work the way you want them you always think about yourself and remember I didn't told you to get married you only showed the sympathy because you thought that if u will do this then I will forgive for everything but no I will never you are big headache of my life idk why the fook I agreed to marry you u keep troubling never made me happy and you know what Navya If  you have this much problem then let's get divorce then because this marriage makes me uncomfortable I'm not happy with you"
Navya: " ohh so finally you said everything you want huh ok fine then let's get divorce" 
Mahir: " can guys can't... can't do this" * standing near the door*
Abhay: " Mahir.. baby listen" * going towards him*
Mahir: " noooo... I hate you both" * shutting his room*
I gave Abhay look and went towards Mahir's room and started calling him I can hear his sobbing I couldn't believe  my baby heard everything I don't want to involve him into all this things he is too young I keep banging his door I saw Abhay took shower and came he eyes were red even he called Mahir but still Mahir didn't opened his door after few minutes we both didn't heard any voice he might slept while crying.

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