Jealous (End)

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Jisoo's POV

"Why are you doing this to me Jennie? In front of me? Seriously? You know I'm so weak when it comes to you. But you seems enjoy the kiss." I cried more remembering the scene.

I wiped my tears when I heard a footsteps.

"Jisoo? Have you eaten? Mom prepared your favourite chicken." It's Irene.

"I already eat unnie. Don't worry about me. You can eat with mom and dad. I'm not hungry"

"Are you sure? If you need anything just call the maid okay?"

"Yeah, bye."

Luckily Irene didn't come inside the room. If she did, she will see my terrible state now.


Jennie's POV

I knock on Jisoo's front door. And the door swing open revealed Mrs Kim, her mom.

"Hello, Mrs. Kim. Sorry if I'm disturbing you but is Jisoo's here?" I greet her.

"Ah Jennie sweetie. Of course she's here. She's upstairs in her room. Why?" Mrs. Kim pulled me into her embrace. I hugged her tightly.

"Uh nothing... I just want to give her something. She left something with me and I guess she might need it for our project." I lied. I don't want to lied but I have no choice.

"Ah I see. Sure. She's upstairs. You know which one her room right." She move aside and let me in.

"Yeah, I know. Thank you Mrs. Kim." I thanked her.

"Sweetie, I told you to call me mom before right?" Mrs. Kim said with a sweet smile.

"Erm.. Th.. thank you m.. mom." I correct myself.

"Better." She said. "Anyway, Jisoo look sad since she come home just now. Did something happened between you two? Did you two fight? Everything okay?" She bombarded me with questions.

"Everything's okay. Just misunderstanding." She nodded and I make my way to Jisoo's room.

I knock on her room door.

"Come in, it's not locked." I heard Jisoo's voice. I feel a bit relived after hearing her voice.

I twist the doorknob and push the door open. And be greet by her body fully under her blanket. I close the door behind me and walk closer to her bed. I sit on the side of her bed. She still didn't turn her body to face me.

"What is it unnie? I told you I've already eaten." She muttered.

"Chu? Baby..." I called her.

She turn her body immediately after hearing my voice.

"Jennie?" She furrowed her eyebrow when she saw me. "What are you doing here? Go to your Seulgi. Why you come here? Go away! I don't wanna see your face!." She back facing me again. I looked down holding back my tears.


"Don't baby baby me Jennie yah." She cut me off. I froze. It felt strange when she call me by my name instead the nickmame that she made for me. "Save that baby for your Seulgi." She said furiously.

"Jisoo,look. It's not what you think. She's the one who kiss me. I was also shock by her action. I push her away Jisoo. Trust me. I love you. Only you. You know that right? Please. Trust me this time." I said and pulled off her blanket that cover her face.

"Oh come on Jennie. Just admit it that you enjoy the kiss too right. Oh! By the way, tomorrow is Saturday right? Go bring her to date. I don't care." She pulled back the blanket and cover her face.

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