Chapter 4

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(Sorry for any typos,and happy reading❤️)

—No one's POV—

Mew can't focus on his work on the next day,Gulf haven't text him anything yet and he's getting worried over him. 'Did he just joking around about accepting me as his boyfriend?Are maybe it was a prank?But he did said yes.' the thoughts are killing him slowly,so he decided to go and meet him at his house.

he arrived his destination, Gulf's apartment room. He knocked the door,but nobody came and open the door. 'Where is he?He can't just disappear like a ghost.' Mew thought. He knocked it again but still,no answers.

"Oi Gulf. Why don't you open the door?!" Mew said angrily. Then he kept on knocking loudly until the whole apartment on that floor heard him and went out to check on him. Then they looked at him weirdly 'Poor him,he must be one of the patients at Psychiatric hospital.' They whispered to their kids. Mew looked at him weirdly and calls Gulf again. Then Gulf went out from the next apartment and not from the door that he knocked. He was shocked to See Mew. He pulled the older into his apartment.

Mew looked at him "I never knew that you are actually stay here. i thought-"

"You thought what?Are you crazy?You were knocking so loud" Gulf spoke as he sat on the couch,wearing a short and crop top.

"I guess it's normal to knock the wrong room,but still the person that live in that room are supposed to at least come out so i will know that it isn't your room.." Mew said,trying to defend himself. Gulf laughed out loud and Mew gave him the weird look again,like what's so funny?

"Boo,for your information,the room that you knocked for like almost an hour is Female toilet for this floor. ARE YOU A PERVERT OR SOMETHING?"

Mew's face turned red,Like how did he didn't notice the sign board?! No wonder those people called him crazy! Gulf was still laughing,while lying on the couch. Mew can see his soft moist thighs,and his slim,soft and tiny waist perfectly. He coughed and looked away. 'You're a fucking pervert,Mew' He said to himself.

Mew sat next to him and waited for the cute brunette to done with his laughing session. Then after he's done,he asked Mew "By the way,why did you come here?Miss me already?Damn i guess i am hot until you're missing me,even tho it's not even a week since we're dating,daddy~" Then Gulf grinned and winked. Mew looked away and covered his bulge using his hand.

"You didn't answer my calls,and i actually just want to meet my boyfriend. is that a problem?" Mew said while maintaining his charms and arrogant characteristic.No matter what,he can't look weak. Gulf nodded and looked at the handsome older "So...What now?"

Mew went closer to his face "I think..." He slowly held Gulf's thighs,caressing it sensually "I'm your daddy right?so~..." Mew's hand went in the shorts,slowly caressing the upper thighs while Gulf's moaning slowly,he unbuttoned Mew's shirt and then Mew licked his ears "We should go shopping,right?" Gulf stunned, "What?" He asked Mew. Mew stood up and said "You said that i'm your sugar daddy,so that means i should spoil you with those expensive things right?What did you think of?You even unbuttoned my shirt."

Gulf went speechless and madly stood up "Ah shopping?FINE. WAIT FOR ME,I'LL FUCKING CHANGE MY CLOTHES" And vigorously went into his bedroom,closing the door loudly. 'Take that,Gulf.' Mew smirked to his own thoughts,he's sure that he will win this bet just by how turned out the younger was.


[At the Mall]

They was walking across those boutiques,Louis Vuitton,Gucci,Hermès,Dior,Chanel,Fendi,and others. The latest collection of Louis Vuitton handbag caught Gulf's attention,but he didn't say anything cause he felt bad for Mew. Mew noticed that Gulf was looking at the handbag,so he went in the store.

"Welcome to Louis Vuitton Bangkok Boutique,I'm Lily,what can i help you,Sir Suppasit?" a worker named Lily greeted Mew,Mew was one of their VIP customers,that's how she knows him. Gulf went in the store and take a look at the bag. Then Lily went to him and snatched it from him rudely "Sorry sir,but if you can't afford,then don't touch it."

Gulf was mad but he don't want to create chaos infront of Mew,Then Mew suddenly went closer to him and kissed him softly,"Darling...Did that ugly worker treated you badly?" Gulf smirked at her and pouted while looking at Mew. "Yes,HUBBY. She said that i can't afford that cheap bag..." He said hubby loudly on purpose so Lily will hear it. 'Go and cry now,bitch' Gulf thought.

Mew gave her a cold stare,and she's already shivering. Thinking about her job. Mew put his hand on Gulf's waist and called her to come closer. She went closer while her blood when cold.

"I'll buy all of the bags for this collection . And don't worry about CAN'T AFFORD,I'll pay cash." Mew said while Gulf's smirking.

"And also baby,if you ever want anything else,just tell me. I'll buy it for you." And Mew went to the other section.

Lily stared at Gulf before she said "You still can't afford it sadly,because you're using your Sugar Daddy's money. What a shame...Being a guy but can't even work for your own money until you gotta act like a girl,sucking dick for money"

Gulf chuckled and he replied "At least there's a sugar daddy who wants me. Why? You're mad cause even tho im not a girl,i can pull more hot boys than you?What a shame...being a girl but can't even get yourself a wealthy and hot man until you have to work as a WORKER and pleaded people for money." Then he winked at her. "And also...i won't buy any single thing here. I rather go and shopping at Gucci,at least their workers got manners." And Gulf went to Mew,talked to him and gave Lily a flying kiss before he went out sassily (mostly gucci workers that worked at the gucci boutique that i usually went are nice as heck!🥺❤️kinda scared cause some of other workers are rude.🙁)


They're in the car,on the way back to Gulf's Apartment. Mew bought him a lot of things,even a new teddy bear,Gulf named it Oreo. Gulf fell asleep on their way back home,and Mew didn't want to bother the cute brunette either. Its already 9 PM when they're at Gulf's apartment.

"Gulf,wake up,we arrived your home" Mew woke Gulf up,but still no reaction.

"Gulf,wake up" Gulf was looking unbothered and still don't want to wake up.

Mew sighed before he went out of the car and opened the door on Gulf's side. He unbuckled the seatbelt and searched for Gulf's apartment card. He found it and he put it in his pocket.He parked his car on the parking lot and picked the sleeping Gulf up,carrying him to his apartment. He scanned the card and opened the door as he went in and close it. He put the younger on the bed,Then gulf held him tight and he accidentally fell on the bed next to him.

"Baby...Let me go" Mew said softly

Gulf hugged him and went on top of him,before he rested himself on Mew. Mew smiled and pets his head gently 'What a baby..' He thought. He cuddled with Gulf on the bed as he's looking at the younger sleeping soundly. 'i guess i'll sleep here tonight..'

Hey Mochis! im so sorry for a late update!😭i was focusing more on AIL(Accident In-Love) but now the story is all complete!(except for the special chapter)❤️ btw stay safe,stay at home and thank you for reading! always remember that i love you so much na!🥺💗again,stay safe Mochis!!🥰❤️

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