10. Germany

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Peter's pov

Today is the day I leave to go to Germany. It feels so unreal because i've never gone out of the country before. I look over at my alarm and realize I have like 20 minutes to get ready before Mr. Starks driver, Happy will pick me up and take me to the airport. 

I gotta say however, I'm nervous. Not just for the flight, but for this whole trip. All Mr. Stark has told me is that Captain America has gone crazy and I need to help fight him. That's a lot of pressure for a person whos only ever stopped a robbery and given directions to people who've gotten lost around town.

I go downstairs and am greeted by Aunt May who is already up and has made me some toast. She wished me a fun time at my retreat. The Internship retreat is what mr. Stark and I came up with as a cover for being in Germany.  I quickly eat the toast, and then give her a hug before going downstairs to wait for Happy.

 Mr. Stark told me I would be going on a private jet with Happy, and would meet me in Germany. Since I've never been on a plane, let alone out of the country, I decided to record the stuff I was going to see on the trip. A vlog just for the memories. Cause who knows when Iron Man will ask me for help next?

Happy pulled up to the sidewalk and I got in. I put my suitcase next to me. 

As we reached the freeway after driving for some time, I pulled out my phone and narrated a little bit of the things I was seeing.

"Who are you talking to?" Happy looked at me through the review mirror. 

"Uh, nobody. I'm just making a video of the trip."

"You know you can't show that to anyone right?" he shot me a look.

"Yeah I know." 

"Well then why are you narrating like that?"

"mm because its fun." I explained, recording our conversation.

"Sooo, why do they call you Happy? is that a nickname or-"

He pushed a button which raised the divider.

"Oh. okay, we'll just talk later then I guess." 

I stopped recording and then messed around on my phone as I waited for us to get to the airport.


After quite some time, we finally arrive at the airport. 

I grab my phone and start recording.

I get out of the car as Happy tells me to grab my stuff. 

He sounds stressed, so I can't blame him for yelling at me I guess.

We go inside the plane and he sits down. I sit down in front of him so we can talk while we travel.

"That's where you're going to sit?" He asked as he looked at me like I committed a crime.

"uh yeah."

"Is this your first time on a private plane or something?"

"uhm, it's my first time on any plane actually," I said as I looked at him.

He stands up and moves to another seat. I realized I was still recording as the plane started.

"uh should it be making that noise?" I shout from across the plane. Its a good thing it's just us in here. That noise i s a bit concerning though.

"Just sit there and enjoy the ride. Don't bother me." Happy told me as he put on his sunglasses.

On the rest of the very long plane ride, I recorded more small clips for my video.


When we get to the hotel, Happy showed me what I thought was going to be our room. Turns out its all mine! 

I jump onto the bed and then turn on the tv. I'm exhausted from long plane ride and I glance at the clock. Its about 9 at night. I flip through a ton of channels before I find lady bird on one of them. I've seen it a couple of times and its pretty good. Too bad its in German though.

I watch it as I go to sleep


Kaia's pov

When I get to the hotel after the 8 hour airplane ride, Dad signs us in. I get my own suite.

While we were on one of our private planes, dad explained to me that I would be waiting in the quinjet in case someone gets majorly hurt because I'm trained in first aid.

I guess at least this time I get to be close to the fight. One step closer to actually be the one who is also fighting.

We get our key cards and we head upstairs. Happy should be here in about an hour, because we left an hour before him which I think is weird.

I look around my suite. The bed looks so comfortable and I'm loving the minifridge.

Its when I'm about to look through the fridge that I realize i haven't taken my pain meds yet. No wonder my chest was starting to hurt. I go through my suitcase and find them. I take two and then close the bottle and set it on the counter. I then go to the fridge. It has some snacks and some drinks.

I grab a soda and sit on one of the beds. My eyes creep back to my meds on the counter. what could one more do? without thinking, I pick up the bottle and take one more.

I find the remote and look at the clock. I somehow managed to waste 45 minutes just by looking around.

That's okay though.

Dad said that I could order room service so I crawl to the phone on the side desk. I'm too lazy to actually get off my bed and walk to the phone, even though that probably would have been faster.

I pick up the phone and order some fries because I needed to eat after taking my medicine. About 15 minutes later someone knocks at the door. I open it and the waitress hands me my food. I sit down and flip through the channels on tv. I check to see what time it is.


After looking at the clock, I decide that I have to go to bed soon because of the huge fight tomorrow. I find one channel that has something I like. Lady bird. Its in German though. I decided I didn't care since I'm really tired anyways.

I eat my fries, and fall asleep to the sounds of a language I don't understand.

You could call it love ~ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now