"You can't do that. I really love him, I can't lose him."
Hearing Khloe's voice after she said that, Jay suddenly felt something is aching inside him.
That was the face he shown when he doesn't wanted to lose the love of his life. But in the end, she died. And now she's here, showing the same face that he shown before after Sunghoon killed her.
"This is so funny."
"Funny? Do you think this is funny for you?"
"What I mean is...That was the same face that I've shown when my stupid brother killed you and he lied about it."
"You mean? Begging?"
"Exactly. I was begging for him, but he didn't listened to me. It's just weird that you still ended up with him instead of me. I don't know, maybe the above knows that the three of us deserves better than this."
"But do you think I deserve him?"
"In my opinion, yes. You deserve him and he deserves you because you two were really for each other."
"While me, being the antagonist of your story."
"You are not. You are just doing this because you only wanted the best for us."
"Maybe yes maybe no."
"It's a yes for me."
"Even your brother killed me. I still love him, maybe he has his own reasons that's why he did that to me."
"There is."
"What is it?"
"He did that because he knew that I was your soulmate and not him."
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