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The following day..........

"How long will this visit take, Mr. Kim?"

Mr. Kim, who is seated in the passenger seat, looks up from his phone and scans the rearview mirror to see the SEVENTEEN boys looking back at him.

"Can you tell me why you're asking?" The man was perplexed when he saw the boys exchanging looks.

They're currently in a black van on their way to the orphanage, the event's chosen beneficiary, for a planned visit that will enable the artists to get to know the people they'll be supporting during the first leg of the benefit concert. And maybe meeting them would inspire the artists to work even harder and give the concert their all. The children will inspire the artists.

A total of three black vans set out on a short trip to the orphanage. A location that is located far from the city center and is surrounded by extensive forests. It would be everyone's first visit to the orphanage, but not everyone was excited. Some people are still skeptical, but after meeting the children, their doubts will be dispelled.

"It's just that the boys want to take a drive around the island. Have some fun until work prevents us from doing so. Is that possible?" Seungcheol spoke up on behalf of his boys.

Mr. Kim sighs and glances back in the rear-view mirror, only to find half of the SEVENTEEN boys pouting at him with pleading eyes. Mr. Kim gave in and nodded his head, despite the fact that it was very childish. Mr. Kim laughed as SEVENTEEN cheered, and the vehicle soon fills with their noisy chatter as they discuss what they want to do after the visit.

"After lunch, you guys are free to go. Take one of the vans, and please, please, please don't forget your curfew. That is something I am really concerned about." Mr. Kim reminded the boys to stop talking and chorused a 'yes sir, we promise' before returning to planning their day's itinerary.

Mr. Kim, on the other hand, sat quietly in his seat. He sighed as a memory played through his mind. He's a little concerned about it.

The previous night, he received a call from Bumzu, who informed him that he had already found someone to sing the duet with Seokmin, but when Bumzu was asked about the singer's name, the short man declined to tell his boss and argued that said singer wishes to keep his identity secret for security reasons.

Mr. Kim was suspicious for that reason, and it didn't help that Bumzu was a horrible liar. Mr. Kim hasn't been with Bumzu for too long, but he's the kind of guy who can smell a lie from a mile away.

Mr. Kim was startled out of his thoughts when the car came to a halt. When he looked out the window, he saw that they had already arrived at their destination. The other vans pulled up alongside them, and the other artists had already begun to disperse. Everyone is now looking ecstatic, which is a positive thing.

Mr. Kim exited the van as Bumzu and another man approached him. He smiled at the two and wished them a good morning before shaking hands with the unidentified man.

"Mr. Moon Bin, the orphanage's officer in charge, greets you. Mr. Kim, this is Moonbin, my boss at the ICCJ." The two were introduced by Bumzu.

"Mr. Moon Bin, it's a pleasure to meet you. We've been anticipating your introduction." Mr. Kim said.

"Likewise, and please refer to me as Moonbin." Moonbin responded with a smile, his gaze moving from the boss to the artists not far behind them, before settling on a group of boys who caused his smile to falter and panic to creep into his features.

"Are you all right, Moonbin? You seem pale." Bumzu wondered, while Mr. Kim simply followed Moonbin's eyes, which landed on the SEVENTEEN boys currently engaged in a tense game of rock, paper, and scissors.

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