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Jeonghan was in the midst of a good dream involving him, Seungcheol, and a bed when he was startled awake by someone shaking him violently.

He groaned and opened one eye to see Jeongin peering down at him, a concerned expression on his face. Jeonghan immediately sat up, convinced that something terrible had happened.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Jeonghan was becoming concerned as Jeongin seemed pale as if he had seen a ghost or something.

Instead of responding, Jeongin points to something, and Jeonghan follows the teen's finger to see a large crowd forming in the center of the field.

Jeonghan stood up, dusting himself off, with a puzzled expression. "Stay here," he told the teen before leaving to investigate the situation.

He was becoming increasingly nervous with each step he took, and he had no idea why. He kept walking, pushing his way through the crowd until he reached the center, despite his confusion.

When he saw an individual passed out on the lawn, he gasped in surprise. Jeonghan couldn't see his face because he was lying on his side with his head stuck between his arms, but something about the person's blue hair gave him an uneasy feeling.

"Does anyone know what first aid is?"

"Call an ambulance!" someone exclaims.

"It takes an hour to get to the nearest hospital. It's a long way. The Garden's clinic is a good place to start."

"The phones aren't working, so I'm going to seek help."

"Please step aside! Give him some breathing space!"

"I'm a physician! Allow me to see him!"

A man in his late twenties pushed his way through the crowd and kneeled beside the unconscious man. Before nodding, he put two fingers on the man's neck. "He's out, but he'll be all right. He most likely passed out from exhaustion. Please step back and give him some breathing space."

The crowd complied and took a step back. They're still muttering amongst themselves as the doctor, who, in Jeonghan's opinion, is very attractive, continues to examine the man. He attempts to pry the man's arms from his head, but the man's arms don't bulge, causing the doctor to sigh in frustration.

"Did anyone see what happened?" The doctor inquired, his rich voice authoritative. The doctor sighed as the audience shook their heads no.

"Paramedics are on their way!"

As two paramedic garden workers run through with a first aid kit and a stretcher, the crowd creates a course. The stretcher is placed next to the unconscious man.

"He's passed out, most likely from the heat. He has a high temperature and his skin has paled in recent minutes, so it's possible he's suffering from heatstroke. His breathing is a little uneven as well. Finally, his pulse is irregular, as I checked." When cautiously transferring the unconscious man onto the stretcher, the doctor told the paramedics.

With a gentle bow, one of the paramedics stood up and shook hands with the doctor. "Thank you, Doctor Min, for your service."

As the crowd began to disperse, Doctor Min smiled a gummy smile. Leaving a small crowd in their wake.

"Jimin, you're just too polite. We're not on hospital premises, so just call me Yoongi." Doctor Min continued to smile gummy.

Jimin nodded and thanked the doctor once more before being summoned by his co-paramedic to assist him in carrying the stretcher. Doctor Min walked away after saying his goodbyes to the two. As Jeonghan stood there, watching the paramedics work on the stretcher's safety belts.

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