When your step father don't accept him

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When your step father don't accept him
By liskookdabest

Jimin x y/n

It's Saturday again. You're in your bedroom reading books. You're 20 years old this year and you had a secret boyfriend named "Park Jimin". Your step father hates him really much because he is poor. And you're living in a rich family, but you don't care about money, you just care about the love he shows you. You had a brother named "Jin” . He is your real brother, not step. Your mom died 5 years ago when you’re still in highschool. You always get bullied but now you finally overcome it.

Your step father doesn't allow you to meet him in person so you just can video call him every time. You hate your step father as well because he is a psycho for you. Sometimes he even locks you and your brother in the room, or hits both of you. You're afraid of him so you can't fight back. And Jimin doesn't have any parents so that's why I always care about him.

Author POV
After thinking those thoughts someone suddenly snaps his finger making you flinch. "Thinking about him again?" You brother said while sitting on your bed. "Oppa, I really want to meet him in person….." You said in a really sad tune. "Y/n ah you know how our father treat us right?" He sighed. "But I only met him 1 time, it's the first day we date after all I don't even meet him again-" You got cut off by your phone rings.

You looked at the id, Jimin. "I'll go out first, take your time" You brother then left the room because you and him are sleeping in the same room. But of course not the same bed. "Hi babe" You answered the call. "Hey baby, how are you doing?" Jimin replied to you. "I'm great, have you eaten your breakfast?" You asked worriedly because sometimes he skips he's meals. "I already ate, don't worry" After he said you smile.

"And btw I'm coming to your house later" He said. "What? YOU'RE COMING?" You asked while your eyes were widened. "Yes baby-" You cut him off. "What if my dad saw you? You will get in trouble!" You said worriedly. "Your dad probably won't come home that early right? It's okay I will be there soon bye baby!" He then ended the call. "Why the heck did he want to come? What if dad finds out! Oh no!" You said while scratching your head.

Suddenly your brother came in. "What's wrong?" Jin comes in and places a plate of fruit on your study table. "Oppa, help me. Jimin is coming!" Jin widened his eyes. "What why he-'' The doorbell rings. "It's definitely Jimin. Jin left the room to open the door for Jimin. Jin opened the door and saw Jimin. "Uhmm why-" Jin can't even complete his sentence. "I will leave before your dad comes back," Jimin said and went into your room.

"Hi babe~" He said happily while walking towards you. You hugged him tightly and said. "Why did you come? What if my dad saw him, he would kill you!" He broke the hug and looked at you. "I missed you that's why baby" He said while caressing your hair. While he was about to kiss you suddenly someone spoke. "Guys I'm still here okay?-" Jin said while walking in and closing the door. "You are here we also ca-" Jimin got cut off by a door suddenly open.

Three of you widen your eyes.

"Appa?" You asked nervously. "How dare this jerk come again!?" Your dad shouted and kicked his stomach. "Ahh!" He yelled the fall on the ground. "Jimin-" You were about to help me up but 2 of the bodyguards dragged him out. "Jimin! Jimin!" You want to catch him but your step father stopped by pushing you on the floor. Jin quickly help you up."Break up with this stupid poor guy!" Your dad shouted at you. "Beat him up and throw him into the river!" Those bodyguards nodded and did what your dad said.

You quickly stand up and drop down your knees to beg him. "Please don't kill him! Appa pls" You put your palm together like praying to him. "Fuck off!" Your dad kicked his legs and you fell on the ground harshly. Jin quickly helps you. "Appa! Are you crazy!? How can you kick her like that?!!" Jin shouted at your dad. "You wanna get involved?" Okay fine! Lock both of them now!" Your dad said and walked out then the bodyguards closed and locked the door.

"No! No! Appa! Pls open the door!! Pls!" You pick hitting the door with your palm to beg him to open the door. You bursted into tears and sat on the floor. "Oppa! What should I do?" You said in a crack voice. "Y/n relax first, we will find a way to get out of this stupid" Jin said while helping you up. Suddenly the door opened. "You want to see that jerk right? Here!" Your dad then throws a phone to you. You pick it up and watch it. You widen your eyes. 

2 bodyguards are holding him and they are standing in front of the river. Jimin's hands and legs are tied up. And his mouth is covered by a tap. So that he can't shout. "Jimin!" You look at the phone nervously. "Appa! Stop this!" Jin shouted at dad while standing in front of him. But dad just slapped him. Your dad just took back the phone and left the room. You were about to chase him but Jin held your wrist. "Relax y/n!"

You yanked away his hand and walked towards your study table. You start pushing all the books and stuff on your study table to the floor. "What's the point!" You shouted while pushing all the books. "Relax Jin…..clam down!" Jin said while holding your arm from the back. "Let go! Let go!" You tried to yank away Jin but he's too strong. "Let go of this!" You shouted while you finally yanked his hand away. "Clam down y/n" He said while getting teary. Because he can't see you crying.

"I'm going crazy because of him!" You yell and kneel down to the place where all the books are on the floor. You start tearing those books. Jin quickly kneels down and takes your hands off the book. "Relax y/n! Take it easy!" He said as tears started rolling down from his cheek. But you ignored and continued tearing. "Clam down y/n!" After he said the last time you finally stopped. "I hate him! Why did he have to do this to me……. Jimin!" You said while crying hard and hugging your brother.

After 3 years
You became a really cold person after that incident. You hate your dad so much. And you really don't know if Jimin is dead or not. Everyday Jimin is the only one in your mind. You cried every night, because you felt really sorry. "From now on, ask the maid don't cook for my dinner or meal. Because I'm not going to eat at this home" Jin said while standing up. He was about to leave but dad spoke. "Did I teach you table manners?" After saying it Jin smirked.

"No, I have learned nothing from you," Jin said and walked away. You suddenly chuckled which made your dad look at you. "Me too! I think it's better to go on a diet!" You said and left there as well. You went into your bedroom and wore a jacket. "Where are you going?" Jin asked you. You looked at him while wearing your boots. "I need some air" After you said you went out.

It's snowing now, and winter is your favourite season. You are playing with the snow and suddenly your phone rang. You picked it up. "Hello?" You said happily but the person in call didn't reply. "Uhmm hello? Aish!" You were about to hang up the call but suddenly the person said. "Don't hang up!" You quickly place the phone back to your ear. The call stays silent for 3 seconds. "It's me…." He said, which will make you widen your eyes. "Turn around" He said while voice cracking

To be continued 😁

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