7. Uninvited Guests

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The sun wasn't up yet when Skylar got up and dressed in too big male clothes. She didn't mind, the garments were loose enough to allow energetic movements, and that was what she needed right now. In just a few minutes, she was out of her room.

Preston was leaning heavily on the wall, his head bowed, and loud snores filled the silent hall. Skylar rolled her eyes and punched him in the arm.

"Wake up!"

The man jumped, startled, and straightened immediately. "My lady! Is something the matter? The sun is not even up yet," he added, trying and failing to conceal a yawn.

"I need to go out for a stroll." She started walking towards the stairs leading to the ground floor.

The soldier trotted to catch up with her energetic pace. "But my lady! It's still dark outside! Wouldn't it be better to wait a bit for the sunrise?"

"No, because my dear husband made sure my schedule is so packed, I don't have time for any leisurely strolls. You can either stay here or try to keep up."

"I can't let you go alone, my lady," Preston said in a suffering tone. It was clear which option he would prefer. He gave her a closer look and grunted. "You look peculiar today, my lady. Aren't those General's clothes?"

"Well, yes, they are. What of it?"

"Erm, nothing, my lady. It's just... a strange choice, I must say."

"You wouldn't say that if you were forced to stroll in those heavy and unpractical dresses." Skylar shrugged.

"They are a bit too big, I think," the guard continued, ignoring her annoyance. "I would have thought Lord General provided you with the whole wardrobe, my lady?"

"Yes, but he forgot to include things that are not dresses. I thought he'll get a hint if I steal some of his garments."

"You... stole Lord General's clothes?" Preston asked, his face suddenly pale.

"To my defence, he did steal mine, so now we are even," Sky said with a saccharine smile when they reached the main door.

The guards there gave her a curious look, but none said a word nor stopped her from going outside. Once the heavy portal closed behind them, Skylar started to jog down a little pathway leading behind the manor. The sky was grey, slowly turning to more colourful hues, heralding the upcoming dawn.

"My lady!" Preston called, struggling to keep up with her. "I thought you said you wanted to stroll!"

"I am strolling." Skylar laughed, not bothering to slow down. Finally, with the wind in her face, she felt free. Free of suffocating rules, expectations, and condemning glances. She was ecstatic, her body at last allowed to work all the muscles.

She stopped when she was so far away that the Mansion disappeared. She reached a little meadow with elegantly cut grass. A little stream was babbling nearby, and a small thicket of trees leaned over it. It was a perfect place.

She started to slowly warm up her arms while waiting for Preston to catch up to her. He arrived a few minutes later, his face all red and his chest heaving. He stopped next to her and leaned heavily on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

"My... lady..." he wheezed. "I'd really like... if you wouldn't... run away... from me."

"I was not running away. If I wanted, you would never find me." Skylar shrugged. "Now, give me your sword."

The guard straightened and looked at her with panic. "My lady?"

"Your sword, please!" she commanded, extending her hand impatiently. "Or would you prefer if I take it myself?"

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