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After having dinner somewhere down the block, Irene decided to visit the girls' dorm before going home. It wasn't that late yet, maybe Jisoo was still up, or who knew, maybe still clubbing somewhere. She just have to see the girl today.

She arrived at the building later than expected. The traffic literally ruined her plan. Glancing at the car's digital clock, it was already 11PM. She heaved a sign and stepped out of the car.

Jennie opened the door cautiously this time, because she was sure it wasn't Jisoo who was knocking. The girl was already asleep.

A smiling girl showed up in front of her. She immediately jumped on Irene giving her a nice warm hug "Unnie!" Jennie squealed in a low voice, not waking her neighbors up. 

Irene gladly accepted the hug then pulled away. She roamed her eyes around the dorm to find Jisoo "Are you still waiting for her?" Irene asked.

Jennie smiled widely as she shook her head "Nah, she didn't go out tonight" she looks genuinely happy, making Irene smile back too. The girl was a ball of sunshine.

"That's good," Irene nodded but was still curious "then where is she?" don't tell me she's already asleep?

"She's already asleep" Jennie frowned pointing her thumb behind "but you could check on her if you want to"

Irene's face brightened, she nodded and followed Jennie inside until they're outside of Jisoo's bedroom "Can I trust you to lock the door once you leave?" Jennie yawned, she was starting to get sleepy.

"Of course" Jennie smiled and left her with a goodnight. Irene doesn't want to wake Jisoo up, she just wanna see the girl. She slowly opened the door and tiptoed her way to the bed, sitting quietly.

She was staring at Jisoo and signed, wishing everything goes back to normal. Where the two of them were just simply happy. Where there's no wrecked hearts. Irene's eyes landed on the mini trash bin under the desk. She stood up and noticed a bunch of empty sticky notes. Her heart clenched, she gazed up to Jisoo with sad eyes. And hoped that she could go back in time and correct everything.

Irene went back to the bed, laying down beside Jisoo "I could live like this forever, you know?" she whispered in Jisoo's face "I could live with just staring at you, appreciating every little flaws in your face" she chuckled lowly knowing that Jisoo's face was already perfect for her. She slowly removed a strand of hair from Jisoo's face and leaned more closer.

"If I could just kiss you right now..." her gaze went to Jisoo's agape lips ".. I would. But I like you so much Jisoo. And I don't want to let go of you anymore" she sniffed as she felt little drops of tears coming from her eyes. She shifted forward and placed her arm around Jisoo's waist, embracing the girl, grabbing the only chance she had.

Jennie was still yawning when she pushed the door wide open to Jisoo's bedroom, then stopped when she saw two girls on the bed, still deeply asleep. She stared at them for a moment, Irene was spooning Jisoo. She kinda missed the feeling to be on that spot, but knew it isn't her right anymore. She heaved a sign and smiled sadly. She will be more than glad if she see these two person be finally happy together. She quietly closed the door and decided not to wake the two up.

Jisoo was smiling when she woke up, it felt like forever since she slept deep and long, she never thought it would feel this refreshing sleeping early, until she stretched and felt arms around her waist. She chuckled and thought it was Jennie, but when she turned around, her world stopped.

It was Irene.

What is she doing here? Is the first question that came up to her mind. She have no idea when the girl even went there. Was it last night or this morning? It seems like she haven't changed her clothes.

Jisoo quietly turned around and observed Irene's sleeping face. She never got the chance to do it the last time because she was in hurry, and yes was in panic. Irene still looks like an angel despite the fact that she tortured Jisoo's heart. It felt like the girl could still mend the broken pieces that was once whole. Jisoo unconsciously placed a finger on Irene's cheek and rubbed it slowly, she have missed the girl. She have the sudden urge to do something stupid, leaning forward, she closed her eyes and was about to kiss the girl but a shifting sound surprised her. She immediately turned around and pretended to be asleep.

Irene stretched her arms, her body was aching. And when she slowly opened her eyes, she was a little bit confused for a moment before realizing she wasn't in her bedroom "Oh shit" she mumbled. Checking the time, she immediately stood up and fixed herself. Before leaving, she made a last glance at Jisoo, and leaned down to kiss the girl's forehead "Good morning my love" she whispered, before rushing out to go home.

Jisoo was glad that Irene was in hurry. Because she was blushing so hard. How could Irene say that? My love?! Jisoo hissed and took a pillow to embrace. She pouted and stared at the ceiling, the voice of Irene echoing in her head. Good morning my love.

"Yo~!! Get up! Get up!" Lisa opened Jisoo's door and was slapping it repeatedly "We have a meeting today! It's with our collab!"

Jisoo threw a pillow on Lisa "You're too loud!" she groaned and turned around "I still want to sleep you monkey!" more like daydream, actually.

"Come on Jis! We are all ready!"

"Just go there first. I'm not in the mood for an early meeting" she said in a muffled voice.

Lisa rolled her eyes "Alright, whatever, if that's what you want" the door shut closed. Jisoo didn't leave her room until the girls were gone.

"Uhgg," she stood up and lazily went to the bathroom "If only I could daydream about that stupid girl all day"

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