Nature's Morbid Sense of Humor

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There were those who believed this calamity marked the end

Those who wondered why God should have so scourged the world

Lain relatively dormant in the Gobi Desert,

It soon spread in every direction

Arriving by sea in October 1347,

Twelve Genoese trading ships docked after a long journey

Through the BLACK Sea

Horrifying surprise: most sailors aboard were DEAD

Those still alive gravely ill

Overcome with fever, delirious, and searing with pain

Oozing BLACK boils

Assassinating almost one-third of the European population

And snaking through trade routes

Swelling neck, armpits, groin

Sizes of an egg to an apple

Life expectancy=

A week, at most

The flea regurgitates BLOOD onto the rat

Just like the new human VICTIM onto its kin

Inhaling exhaled air KILLS in up to two days

Attacks the blood system, DEAD in a day

Like FIRE catching anything dry or oily near it:

Terrifyingly efficient


No rational explanation for occurrence or TRANSMISSION

CRUDE, unsophisticated techniques

BLOODLETTING, boil-lancing



People going to bed perfectly healthy by night could be DEAD by morning.

A bishop who offered the host at the end of a pole or on a long-handled spoon during mass

Like to a RABID animal in a CAGE.

Pope sitting between two FIRES to breathe unTAINTED air

One of few truly effective measures taken

Bewildered, panicked, DEVESTATED

Doctors REFUSED patients

Priests REFUSED to administer last rites

Shopkeepers CLOSED stores

DESPERATE to SAVE themselves, running for the countryside

Abandoning unhealthy, DYING loved ones,

And getting SICK anyways from affected farm animals

Believing it was divine punishment for SINS against God

GREED, blasphemy, heresy, fornication, worldliness

To OVERCOME it was to win God’s forgiveness

PURGING their communities of heretics, troublemakers

Thousands of Jews MASSACRED,

Accused of POISONING water and practicing witchcraft

Flagellants publicly BEATING themselves and one another

HEAVY leather straps

Studded with SHARP metal

Three times a day

For thirty-three and a half days

Moving to the next town

Beginning the process over again

Unknowingly spreading it further.

City officials boarded up houses,


ABANDONING the HOPE of curing the healthy inside with them

ISOLATING incoming ships on a SEPARATE island,

“We hope we don’t make the same MISTAKE as before.”

In two years, one of every three Europeans were DEAD

NOTHING like this before or since

Around 550 people a day


There was neither time nor room to bury BODIES

Forced to DIG huge TRENCHES and BURYING people by the hundreds

A pope had to dedicate the river to SINKING CORPSES

Nature has its MORBID sense of humor.

Universities, schools


Construction left unfinished


No man ALIVE had the skill to fix them


Labor shortage, wages rose

Oversupply of goods, prices dropped

Life was great…

If you were healthy and your whole family wasn’t DEAD.

Villani wrote:

“And many lands and cities were made desolate.

And the plague lasted until _______.”

He DIED before it CEASED, when he planned to fill the blank

Thus, Villani NEVER finished.

Reappearing every few generations for centuries

Sanitation has not ELIMINATEd it

A CHALK DEBT has never gone away

It still exists,


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