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~Hey there beautiful people!!♡

This is the last chapter so I wanted it to special!

Hope you like it!!~


[3 Months Later]

"Harry come on it's getting late hurry up!!!"

"Almost there I just have to pick an outfit!"

"Just wear anything and come!"

"I can't wear just anything Lou!? You won't even tell me where we are going, so I can't even decide what to wear!"

"It doesn't matter what you wear really. But I have a thing for shirts." He says and smiles at me fondingly.

"What? Really? Why have you never said that before?"

"Because that's what you wear all the time idiot!!" He says and starts to laugh.

We get into the car.

"Haz listen, it will take us an hour to reach there. So what I want to tell you is that I have a surprise for you... and the last fifteen minutes of the drive you are going to be blindfolded because I don't want you to know where we are going before we even reach there..."

"Oooo kinky!!" As the words leave my mouth, he pokes me with his elbow.

"That's not what I mean and you know it!" He says and starts the car.

For the first forty five minutes we listen to songs and talk about random stuff. And the last fifteen minutes he asks me to blindfold myself so I do as he says.

After every minute he says no peaking Harry! And he sounds so cuteee!!! So I try my best not to peak.

The car stops.

"Have we reached?"

"Yeah umm... give me a second."

I hear the him typing on his phone and then he opens the door. After a few seconds I feel my door open and I hold his hand. He shows me the way and then he suddenly stops.

I hear him taking a deep breath.


And I do as he says.

When I open my eyes I-


We are standing on a cliff and the scenery in front of me is breathtaking! But that's not it! Beside us is a table which is decorated with candles and rose petals and there is a bottle of champagne on it as well. And further away is a tent setup which is decorated with fairy lights.

"Cliché, I know but I hope you like it?"

All of this is so beautiful I can't even describe this in words!

"Like it? I love it Louis!! I love you!"

I have never said that to him before. I know I mean it but I don't know if he will say it back.

I feel him stiffen. So I look at him. But he looks at his watch and then looks back at me.

"3... 2... 1... It's midnight. Happy birthday Haz. I love you too!"

He places his palm on my jaw and kisses me which only lasts a second long.

"You know what Harry I was planning to tell you that tonight."

"Tell me what?"

"I love you Harry. I fell in love with you since the very first moment I saw you. I fall deeper in love with you every single time I look into those gorgeous eyes if that's even possible. Harry I want to tell you that you are the most special person in my life."

I literally have tears in my eyes right now.

"I- Louis... I don't even have the words to... Lou-"

He cuts me off by pressing his lips against mine. He slides this palm up my back and I easily fall into his arms. He licks my lower lip asking for entrance and I give it to him.

At first the kiss was soft but when his tongue touched mine things started to heat up.

He tugs at the collar of my shirt bringing me closer to him while I pull him by the waist. Now I know why he likes shirts so much, I mentally laugh about it.

"To the bed?"

"It's not a bed though." He says with his lips pressed.

"It looks comfy though... Lou?"


"How did you do all of this? I mean you were with me... I don't think candles stay lit that long." I'm genuinely confused right now because he was with me all the time. He couldn't have done it.

"I had set the table and tent before I picked you but I needed some help with the tent so I call Zayn, Liam and Niall... That's why I had you blindfolded." Listening to that I let out a giggle and then I suddenly realized that we were in the middle of something.

I grab him by the waist and slip my hand beneath his t-shirt. He shivers at the sudden touch but then he takes off his t-shirt.

His skin almost looks golden under the fairy lights. The hollow of his shoulder looks so irresistible, so I don't resist and drag my teeth over it.

I lift him off his feet and he cuddles me with his legs. I gently place him in the tent.

He unbuttons my shirt with one hand and his other hand plays with my curls.

I start to suck on his jaw and get lower to his neck. I alternate it with biting, licking and sucking. His moans echo and that's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard.

He grabs me by the neck and pulls me closer to his face and he kisses me. He starts to sit and in a swift motion he gets me below him. I don't understand how he does that but I love the way it goes.

His knuckles brush my skin all the way from my chest to the waistband of my jeans. He unbuttons me and I do the same for him.

We take off our clothes and he grabs the condom and lube which he had kept under the pillow.

He starts to open me. His fingers feel slightly cold at first but it feels good.

When I think I'm ready I nod and he understands the signal and he takes his fingers out and then starts to thrust into me.

Everything feels perfect, he knows how I like it. I don't know how did I get this lucky to be with an angel like him.

We dig our fingers into each other's skin as we reach our highs.

Both of us come together and Louis fall on my chest probably forgetting that I just came on chest but it doesn't matter. His body feels warm against mine and I kiss his forehead.

"I love you." I say looking into those gorgeous sapphire blue eyes.

"I love you too."

~So that was the last chapter...

I know you guys were disappointed about the last chapter but come on, I couldn't have written their first time together was drunk.

Anyways I just want to thank you all for reading my fan fic, it really means a lot! I hope you liked it?

I am writing another one right now and it's called 'In Another World'. I'm putting a lot more effort into that one I hope you guys would check it out?

I just wanna say that all of your comments make me smile, each one of them and I want to thank you for all of it!

Have an amazing day!!♡~

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