Kamichako chapter 2 😭🤌

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Uraraka gripped his arm as the room fogged up huge mistake ochako. Something was inside of her...

This chapter is short

Ochakos head was spinning she felt something warm rapped around her waist she regretted remembering everything that happened yesterday, why would she do that? Uraraka slowly shifted off her bed collapsing onto the floor due to her sore legs but something crossed ochakos mind that immediately freaked her out she forced herself up going to the only trash can in her room that would definitely have what she needed.

She panicked. Kaminari came beside her already dressed

when did he-

"Uraraka what happened!?" She fell back into his arms in guilt "damnit! This is my fault! There's no condom in the trash." Kaminari grabbed the can "there has to be.." Uraraka shook her head "it's not!" Tears filled her eyes "don't worry ochako. If you do get.. you know I'll be there for you I promise." He pulled her into a hug a tight one whipping her tears she thanked him.
Change the subject.
"Can you help me get into the bath?" Denki picked her up, due to her quirk she she really light which is and can be extremely useful. "Sure."

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