Kamichako chapter 4 😢🤌

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She laughed
And laughed
Her fist swung into the floor pounding her fist onto the floor repeatedly

You filthy traitor...
I can't even look at you.
You disgust me.

They'll hate her.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts
"Hey Uraraka I have to get going are you sure your okay?" Kaminari asked from the other side of the door "yeah! I'm fine don't worry!"

Ochako decided to finally get up from the position she was in and get dressed,

It has been ages minutes since Kaminari left so it was okay for her to leave her apartment for a-little while

Her boots clicked each time she stepped onto the stone she wanted to just drop down and puke? THATS WHAT THAT FEELING IS?! Uraraka ran into an ally way quickly and violently but it wasn't normal.. blood stained the area catching her off guard 'it was blood..!?' Her stomach felt as if acid was swimming inside.

She tried stopping more blood from coming out by covering her mouth over by her hand but that didn't exactly work at all blood gushed out from her hands but this time it hurt. She slowly began to feel unconscious or getting there.

There she was. Falling down to the ground blacking out but before so? Something fell down from the sky and caught her right before she smashed her skull in.

Pregnant by denki {Kamichako}Where stories live. Discover now