Countertops - Sakusa x Reader

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Authors note: Hi 👀
Fem reader

18+ Minors DNI thanks 💅🏻

You would think after a full year of visiting your boyfriends condo, that you'd be used to the immaculate state he keeps it in. A surgeon could preform a entire surgery on the damn floor; in fact, they would prefer it over the medical rooms that are filthy in comparison.

Of course, he would have a heart attack instead after seeing all his hard work ruined by someone's endangered life. The audacity.

Okay. Maybe that's an exaggeration, but blame it on being around the Black Jackals too much, and Sakusa Kiyoomi is an easy target for teasing.

The flexi-wrist wing spiker is meticulous. You learned that very quickly when you offered to fold his laundry once, but were promptly fired from that task when Kiyoomi whined about you 'not folding it so the design on the front is visible.'  You sat on his bed and watched him, until he handed you a t shirt to try again. When you passed, he smiled, kissing you gently and trusting you with the rest.

The next example, one that you immediately texted about in the team group chat, was when he spent nearly an hour in the cleaning section of their local grocery store. You swore you could see the steam escaping through the shiny black curls as he picked up several bottles, examining the labels for some specific chemical he was trying to avoid because it made the countertops in his kitchen 'dull.' The rest of his team took the golden opportunity to comment on the condition of every shiny surface in their gym; until Kiyoomi chased Miya into a supply closet, and pinned a broomstick through the door handle, locking him inside. You remember nearly pissing yourself from laughter when he suddenly realized during the car ride home that he forgot to let him out. Your phone buzzed with a text from the setter moments later.

From: The blonde one
How could ya be with someone so mean.

To: The blonde one
U deserved it Tsumi. 😂

From: The blonde one
Cold. Now i get it, ya buncha assholes 😤

Despite the agony that his teammates put him through, he still cares about them. You find it adorable, your heart fluttering every time Kiyoomi gives some advice, followed by a back handed compliment that would leave a stranger with a sour opinion of him. He normally wouldn't skip a beat, telling someone his point of view with no side story or details other than what they need to know. But for some reason, much to his embarrassment, he couldn't do that with you. He fumbled, hard.

The first time he saw you probably — no, it definitely wasn't the best first impression; considering he nearly seared your skin off with the glare he gave after you moved his duffle onto the gym floor. It was completely innocent, and he knew that since everyone else's bags were there, yet his overwhelming disdain for the practice gym floor was enough to set him off. Coach Foster later introduced you as their manager's new trainee, and Sakusa mentally shot himself in the foot when he saw how beautiful you were at closer glance.

Little did he know, that sharp glare did nothing but peak your interest.

The extroverts; Hinata, Inunaki, and Bokuto, had no problem making friends with you. Kiyoomi later found out that you grew up with the Miya twins, and Atsumu was the one to recommended you.

'Nice t'meetcha!'

That damn Kansai dialect. He wondered how it could sound so cute coming from you, and utterly irritating from Miya. He honestly didn't have to give it much thought, and blamed it on the setter's overbearing personality.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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